The Riveting History of the Russian State Told Through High Quality Film - Episode 1

This never-before-translated film series tells the story of Russia's early history with professional narration, colourful illustrations, and a soundtrack reminiscent of ancient royalty and medieval castles 

The Russian Primary Chronicle, also known as the "Tale of Bygone Years", was written by a monk named Nestor in the early 12th century. It provides a detailed account of the early history of the eastern Slavs. It begins with the three sons of Noah, the tower of Babel, the blessing of St. Andrew the apostle, and the eventual founding of Kievan Rus. 

Returning to their Christian roots, Russian filmmakers are making quality films, promoting traditional values. Perfect for kids, this film series tells the story of Russia's early history with professional narration, colorful illustrations, and a soundtrack reminiscent of ancient royalty and medieval castles.

Help us pay translators to create English subtitles and Spanish subtitles for more films like this one! A recurring donation of even $5 or $10 per month would be a blessing, and will help keep us going.

There are 24 episodes, each about 7 minutes long. The entire series combined is about 3 hours in length. The never-before-translated first episode is available here for you to enjoy with your family. Please write in the comments section below, to let us know if you would like to see additional episodes made available. This version includes English subtitles:

Here is a link for episode two.

Did you enjoy this film? Would you like additional episodes to be made available? Please write in the comments section below and let us know.

Also, please help us, and do what you can to keep the Russian Faith website alive. It takes a full time staff to sustain this website, and our workers need to feed their families. We have not yet met our fundraising goal, and we need your help.

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