US Convert to Orthodoxy's Good Video Explaining a Typical Sunday Morning Service in an Orthodox Church (Br. Augustine)

Liturgy Step-By-Step: Part 1 of 3

Originally appeared at: Brother Augustine

Editor's Note: Michael W. Witcoff is a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity and Oblate of St. Benedict (hence the moniker Brother Augustine). He spent many years experimenting with different faiths - from Judaism, to Taoism, to Freemasonry and more - but eventually left it all behind to follow Christ instead. His best-selling book "On The Masons And Their Lies" is read around the world by traditional Christians, and his poetry book "Theopoetica" was a #1 New Release at publication. He is also a popular Orthodox podcaster, followed by tens of thousands of people. In this video he welcomes another Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity - George - who shares his conversion story.

In this video I share the thoughts of St. Nicholas Cabasilas and Hieromonk Gregorios on the "what, when, where, how, and why" of the Liturgy of Preparation. This 3-part series is meant to help both inquirers and the already-Orthodox to understand and appreciate the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.


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