Tattoos are Soul-Destroying and Dangerous

The sign, the sacrifice, and the blood are all there, which turns tattooing into a pagan ritual... According to ancient beliefs, a butterfly is a sign of a prostitute... 

Originally appeared at: Moscow Third Rome

There is an unequivocal prohibition on this in the Bible: “For the sake of the dead, do not make cuts on your body, and do not inscribe writings on yourself. I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:28); “You are the sons of the Lord your God; You shall not make any cuts on your flesh, or cut off the hair above your eyes for the dead; For you are a holy people to the Lord” (Deuteronomy 14:1-2).

God repeated this commandment for the priesthood: “And the Lord said to Moses, Speak to the priests, the sons of Aaron, and say to them: ... They shall not shave their heads, nor trim the edges of their beard, nor make any cuts in their flesh” (Leviticus 21:1,5) . It is very important that the prohibition is accompanied by a reference to the fact that their God is Lord. That is, to the first commandment of the Law: “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:2-3).

Tattoos have played different roles throughout human history. In the ancient world, where one person could become the property of another, a tattoo, for example, served as a mark. A tattoo reduced a person to the level of an animal: cattle wear the owner’s brand, and a slave wears a tattoo with the name of his owner.

However, in the pagan world, the basis of the meaning of a tattoo was an appeal to spirits (that is, as we Christians know, to demons). Through an image on the body (sacred signs), a person calls the spirit he worships into his life.

Tattoos are rejected by the Church precisely because of their mystical significance. Through a tattoo, a person communicates with unclean and evil spirits, but not with God. The nature of a tattoo is inevitably cultic.

Of course, today tattoos are not done as some kind of mystical ritual, but rather for the sake of fashion or tradition. But this act itself - tattooing - is deeply pagan...

Therefore, it is not surprising that tattoos negatively affect a person’s life. Thus, journalist Svetlana KUZINA, in her article “Fatal Tattoos,” after talking with tattoo removal specialist Konstantin Avramenko, gave many examples of this:

Alexey Voronin from Odintsovo wrote to us in the newspaper: “My beloved girl was a quiet, kind angel. We lived in perfect harmony for two years, and even planned to get married. And then one day in the salon she got a tattoo on her buttock - a devil with a dagger. And her character suddenly changed dramatically. She began to quarrel over trifles, to be jealous and became angry with her tongue. It was as if this little devil was stabbing her in the butt with a knife. As a result, we separated. Can a tattoo really change a person?

“Maybe,” assures Konstantin Avramenko, “Tattoos change the lives of people - those who, through thoughtlessness, got a tattoo of dubious content.” I was convinced from my own experience.

Konstantin Avramenko, an optical physicist by training, has been removing tattoos from the skin of his clients for several years. He said that tattoos sometimes change people’s character and literally attract trouble. But the fashion for these “decorations”, unfortunately, does not go away. Patients usually tell Konstantin why they decided to get rid of their tattoo.


"A girl came to me with a Chinese character. Also on the butt,” says Avramenko. “She cried and begged to erase the tattoo immediately. According to her, misfortunes rained down on her immediately after drawing. Within a year, she lost her job, gave birth to a stillborn child, and her husband left her. And the last straw, which almost led her to suicide, was the gang rape by drunken teenagers. I recovered a little and ran to remove the tattoo, which, as I found out, meant the word “demon”. Now everything in her life has settled down.


"I knew a former paratrooper who had a complex tattoo: airplanes, wings, a parachute and the Grim Reaper. He begged me to erase the drawing of death for any amount of money. He said, 'I am a realist, and never believed in magic, but when I started wearing this tattoo, luck seemed to turn its back on me.'"


"Twenty years ago, a 40-year-old security guard at a bank on Arbat got a tattoo on his little finger - the number '13'. And all these years, according to him, 'bad luck' haunted him. At first, his mother became seriously ill, and in order to pay for treatment, she had to sell the dacha. Then he got into a car accident, for which he had to pay with an apartment. The daughter became a drug addict. The family fell apart."

"When I removed his tattoo, everything changed in his life... He met the woman he loved, and he inherited a luxurious dacha from his deceased grandfather. Now the number '13' is still visible a little. Recently he called me and asked: 'Come and finish; maybe life will get even better?'"


"A 16-year-old girl got a tattoo on her back — a beautiful colored butterfly. Since then, the main thing in her life was to meet a new boy every evening. After school, she did not go to college, but ran around nightclubs. Young people treated her without respect. And she didn’t get out of other people’s beds."

"Her boyfriend said nasty things to her and started dating her friend. Someone advised her to get rid of the tattoo by sending her to me. I explained to her that according to ancient beliefs, a butterfly is a sign of a prostitute. After the tattoo was removed, her boyfriend returned to her, and a month ago they got married. Now she is expecting a child."


“Recently I was asked to come to the First City Hospital to remove the tattoo of a 15-year-old boy lying in a coma,” recalls Konstantin. “I was very surprised: is it really impossible to wait until he comes to his senses? It turned out that his parents insisted on my arrival, who only in the hospital saw a terrible inscription on their son’s right shoulder: 'Live quickly, die young.'"

"It turns out that the parents sent the boy to Cyprus on vacation. There he got a tattoo, after which he seemed to break loose. In two months, he managed to drop out of school, get caught by the police several times for hooliganism, and contract a venereal disease. And then he took his father’s car and crashed into a pole at a speed of 120 km per hour. The airbag saved the day. But he broke his pelvis and hip."

“I was afraid to erase the entire inscription,” continues Avramenko. “What if complications arise? I decided to display only the word 'DIE', which changes the meaning. And then something strange happened. The guy was lying unconscious. I also administered local anesthesia. He began to erase the tattoo, and the guy in the coma (!) suddenly began to move his shoulder away, and with his other hand tried to push the device away."

"His pulse rose to 138 beats. I doubled the dose — the boy still felt everything. The three nurses and the head of the intensive care unit who were present were in shock, just like me. The impression is as if Satan himself possessed him and did not allow him to get rid of the fatal words. When I removed the tattoo, the pulse dropped to normal, and the boy recovered very quickly."


“I think that you shouldn’t get tattoos,” Avramenko sums up.

“It’s easy to get a tattoo,” says Konstantin. "It's much more difficult to get rid of it. Unfortunately, people have no idea what they will have to face. What kind of torment to go through... This requires surgical intervention. The most ancient method is to cut off a piece of skin with a knife or scalpel."

Plastic surgeons take several years to remove a large area tattoo. The time can be reduced by transplanting skin into place of the cut area, for example, from the back or buttocks. But then there will be wounds in two places. They are trying to remove tattoos with a laser. It burns through tissue to a considerable depth. They die off. Scars appear at this place. Why am I telling all this? And so that you think ten times before getting a tattoo.

For example, it is obvious that the owner of a tattoo provokes others to pay attention to it. This gives you a feeling of self-worth. Any tattoo attracts attention, but we need to be more specific — attention to what? First of all, to the body... A tattoo by its nature is a confession of physicality. A person who has a tattoo, one might say, professes a cult of his body... Of course, such an escape into the external is a sign of spiritual weakness.

Mystical component

A tattoo can change a person's life. To understand this, it is not necessary to turn to mysticism. Having made a conscious act of applying a tattoo to one’s body, having accepted some sign as defining oneself, and often having thereby challenged the people around one, a person can no longer remain the same. And this change does not bring a person either peace or peace in his soul. A tattoo works like an anchor, psychoanalytically speaking.

It constantly reminds its wearer of the choice he made, spurring the corresponding emotions. You can't gouge out a wolf without acquiring some wolf stuff. Naturally, the habits of a real wolf have nothing to do with it, we are talking about the image of the beast as we imagine it.

In general, man is a symbolic being, and the world that we perceive and understand is, to a lesser extent, the physical world. Behind every physical object, behind every thing there is a tradition of understanding, symbols and signs that we do not even always notice. Many signs influence us through the subconscious.

Sometimes we underestimate the power of a sign, but a tattoo is by no means such a case. Just don’t succumb to the commercial advertising of tattoo parlors, which are rushing to present tattoos as a kind of fashionable decoration. It is not profitable for tattooists to say serious things. But those who take tattoos seriously know its symbolic power. (That’s why you shouldn’t even tattoo seemingly innocent drawings. Even an image of a butterfly tattooed on the body, as the example above showed, can lead to negative consequences in life).

Also among the signs used in tattoos there are many pentagrams and other magical symbols, including those whose magical nature is not obvious. Consider, for example, hieroglyphs or runes. Since ancient times, magical signs have been used for various pagan rituals, which usually required blood and sacrifice. Tattooing is not done without blood; the person on whose body it is done acts as a victim. The sign, the sacrifice and the blood are all there, which turns tattooing into a pagan ritual.

Modern consciousness considers such rituals to be harmless and archaic, but human psychology has not changed much. In the past, such rituals were used to establish the power of one person over another. There is reason to believe that even today a tattoo can be used as one of the techniques of zombification, that is, the subordination of a person to someone else’s will. It remains only to say that the will can be not only human, but also demonic. Therefore, religious consciousness clearly defines a tattoo as an appeal to demons... It is impossible to turn to God without breaking away from demons...

If you look at this connection between man and demon from the other side, then the tattoo can be considered a kind of oath of allegiance. A person devotes himself to this spirit. Many cultures have developed a flippant attitude towards words, as if they are not very serious. It's easy to change the words. It's easy to deceive with words. But a tattoo that is made accompanies a person throughout his life.

Through a tattoo, the unclean spirit receives a person forever — both while he wears his mortal body on earth, and after death. And it’s scary to imagine the posthumous fate of a Christian, when he, appearing before God, will have a tattoo on his body indicating that he belongs to a demon.

Here, as elsewhere, it is better not to cross the fatal line — it is easier than going back.

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