America Forbids Russian Embassy Participation in Honoring Russian Saint (John of Kronstadt)

The Russian Embassy was denied participation in the opening of the St. John of Kronstadt monument in California

Originally appeared at: RIA

The US State Department refused to approve the participation of representatives of the Russian embassy in the opening ceremony of the monument to St. John of Kronstadt, despite the rarity of such an event, the diplomatic mission reported. The monument is located in the state of California.

“Russian diplomats wanted to take part in a significant event that contributes to the preservation of our native culture, the Russian language, traditional values, as well as strengthening the unity of our diaspora. Moreover, in these difficult times, opportunities to share such joyful moments with compatriots are rarely presented. However, the State Department refused us in coordinating the trip," the embassy said.

Monument to St. John of Kronstadt in California

The diplomatic mission noted that the monument to the holy St. John of Kronstadt was unveiled on October 29 in a church located in the city of San Diego, California. The service was performed by Archbishop Kirill of San Francisco and Western America.

“Two bronze images of St. John of Kronstadt, created by the Russian national creative workshop LLC RNTM “Artproekt” with the assistance of the “Under the Protection of the Virgin Mary” foundation, were delivered to the USA with the support of the Embassy. One of them was installed in Washington near the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist,” added at the embassy.

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