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St. John Chrysostom (the Golden-Mouthed), 347 - 407 a.d., is one of Russia's, and Orthodoxy's, most beloved saints, known for his brilliant and eloquent sermons which seem fresh, original, down-to-earth, and relevant even today. Archbishop of Constantinople, he was a key architect and theologian of the early church. The Catholic church also recognizes him as a saint.

He was a prolific writer, and his works have been well-preserved and translated, covering a wide variety of subjects, much of it advice to Christians on everyday life, written in simple terms people can easily relate to. He wrote the main, beautiful, liturgy of the Orthodox church, performed on most Sunday mornings and weekdays.

His quotes are ubiquitous on the internet because he really was 'Golden-Mouthed', and is wonderfully quotable.
The Russian church is a leader in translation and study of Chrysostom's works and some of the best academic works on Chrysostom were written in Russian.