The USSR destroyed Christian marriage, deprived the people of Holy Communion, hated the Holy Scriptures, drove the majority of its citizens into the sin of idolatry, and stained almost all its citizens with innocent blood.
As a result of the activities of the Communists, millions of people are now burning in flames. They did not believe in Christ, without whom it is impossible to be saved. The Soviet educational system has ruined and is still destroying the majority of the citizens of our country.
Editor's Note: Fr. Daniel Sysoev is a modern Christian martyr who was gunned down in his own church. He preached many messages, wrote many books, and convinced many people to abandon Islam and become Orthodox Christians. Then one day he was in a church in Moscow, where he was shot by a Muslim.
In the following article, Fr. Daniel discusses the moral and spiritual legacy of the Soviet Union. What effects did the USSR have upon the spiritual and moral wellbeing of its citizens? How extensively do these effects remain with us today?
As a Christian called to heaven, I can see the results of the Soviet legacy:
1. As a result of the activities of the Communists, millions of people are now burning in flames. They did not believe in Christ, without whom it is impossible to be saved. And even those who secretly believed, rejected Him with their lips. So Christ will be ashamed of them on the Day of Judgment. They blasphemed God. In comparison with the times of the USSR, today is a time of extreme piety. Until the wonderful day of the death of the USSR, every day the name of the Lord was blasphemed by millions of voices, both personally and through the press.
2. The Soviet educational system, which for some reason is so praised, has ruined and is still destroying the majority of the citizens of our country. We analyzed the reason that almost the entire male population of our country over 30-40 years old are non-believers. The reason is that their minds were corrupted by the entire Soviet system of upbringing and education. All Soviet films (especially “highly moral” ones), all Soviet books, and the whole educational system were aimed precisely at creating a godless person with a godless moral system. Those people who seriously accepted the devilish deception of communist morality, proved to be nearly incapable of repentance. As a result, all the "righteous people" of the USSR — all these fake heroes — after their death, ended up in hell. The Soviet school and the Soviet “moral” propaganda pushed them to this.
3. The USSR has stained the majority of its citizens with the sin of idolatry. Millions of Soviet citizens violated the 2nd commandment and worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator. Examples include the corpse of Lenin, the cult of the next leader, and the "eternal flame". As the apostle Paul said in the first chapter of Romans, debauchery inevitably grows from the root of idolatry, and that is just what happened here. The Soviet government bears direct responsibility for the debauchery of the decade 1990-2000. It was the Soviet Union that sowed these seeds, which brought forth these fruits.
4. The USSR destroyed Christian marriage, so the overwhelming majority of our contemporaries were born outside of the God-sanctified union.
5. The USSR fiercely sought to deprive the people of Holy Communion, without which no one can have life. Missionaries have to meet with hundreds of thousands of people who have never had the opportunity to enter the church and receive the Chalice of Life — the Body and Blood of Christ — the Eucharist. This crime of the USSR is the worst of all. Any trouble with the state is better than depriving a person of salvation.
6. The USSR hated the Holy Scriptures. The Bible was burned by Soviet citizens. Until 1988, it was only allowed to be released once in small quantities. And those trying to introduce the Word of God from the countries of the free world, they jailed and threw into mental hospitals. As a result, people received a terrible famine of the word of God, and therefore quickly bought into the calls of false teachers.
7. The USSR has stained almost all its citizens with innocent blood. When they approved the killing of so-called "enemies of the people", they blasphemed the Christian martyrs. They created heroes out of mass murderers. It is sufficient simply to recall modern attempts to justify veterans of the NKVD. And the worst thing of all is the legalization of abortion. As a result of this communist activity, up to 90% of the inhabitants of the USSR repeatedly washed themselves with the innocent blood of their own children, and the Soviet medical community often pushed for it.
Yes, Stalin, like Lenin and Trotsky, are fiends of hell. It is really so. Yes, the former residents of the USSR urgently need to repent. But not repentance before the West (whose sins are many), but before God, against whom the majority of the inhabitants of the USSR fought during the entire 20th century.
Translated by Katie Gleason