Priest Daniel Sysoev: Are USSR and Russia the Same Thing?

 Russia and the USSR are antipodes. According to the laws, Russia is the patron of the Church throughout the world, and the USSR is the persecutor of the Church throughout the world.

Editor's note: Young Russian priest, Fr Daniel Sysoev (1974-2009), was truly a towering figure in the Russian church, a talented, popular theologian, author, and evangelist. He was very active as a missionary in his native Moscow, especially among the Islamic, neo-pagan, and sectarian population of the city. He engaged with Muslims in multiple public debates  (at their request) and was able to convert scores of them from Islam to Orthodoxy. 

At age 34, he was murdered in his church by a Muslim fanatic. His death shook Orthodox Christians all over the world. (More information about his life here)

One of the nerves of the ongoing controversy around World War 2 is related to the fact that for some reason the USSR and Russia are considered one state. Therefore, those who consider Russia their motherland for some reason are offended if they blame the villainous and diabolical regime of the USSR for its crimes.

 So how can you trace the succession of countries? For example, is it possible to call the Russian Federation Scythia? It is unlikely, although Scythia was located right there. Can Iraq be called Sumer? No. And all because there is no legal succession. Also, due to the fact that the socialists, having come to power, abolished all the laws of the Russian Empire without exception, their tyranny cannot be considered Russia.

 I do not even say that for me a citizen of heaven, it is succession that is important, but an alliance with Jesus Christ. Russia since 988 was in the Union. and in 1917 it broke off. That satanic society, which arose on the ruins of the Empire, became a fierce enemy of God and His Church. Yes, the Church remained in the Covenant, which, despite the rebellion of the authorities, continued to pray for it. I think that it was thanks to these prayers that the USSR was destroyed by God to the great Paschal joy of all Christians. I still remember the joy I felt when participating in the 2nd transfer of the relics of St Seraphim of Sarov, which actually ended the death of the USSR in August 1991.

 Russia and the USSR are antipodes. According to the laws, Russia is the patron of the Church throughout the world, and the USSR is the persecutor of the Church throughout the world. If Russia supported Christians all over the world, then thanks to the occupation of Europe by the Red Army in 1945-1989, rivers of blood of innocent Orthodox Christians were spilled. Russia taught the law of God in schools, and the USSR taught the atheism of the devil. Russia executed the scoundrels, and the USSR the righteous. Russia fed the hungry, and the USSR instigated hunger and killed millions of Christians with hunger, executions, permission of abortions (for the first time in the world). Russia tried to establish peace in the whole world, and the USSR continuously, through all 74 years of its existence, kindled a worldwide massacre in the name of Satan.

 If the USSR had stood the entire human race would have been destroyed. But I thank God Almighty, who showed His mercy by overthrowing the mighty rulers, the arrogant successors of Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar, and gave us, the citizens of heaven for a time, freedom on Earth.


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