The theologian of the Patriarchate of Constantinople believes that Athos’ statement about the rejection of LGBT marriages is an anachronism.
Adviser to the enemy of Christ, false Patriarch Bartholomew, and theologian of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, Archdeacon John Chrysavgis, criticized the protests of the Greek Church against the law on LGBT marriages adopted by the Greek Parliament. Chrysavgis's article was published on the resource of the Center for Orthodox Christian Studies at Fordham University, Public orthodoxy.

Commenting on the decision of the Synod of the Church of Greece against the gay marriage law, as well as the protests of individual clergy, Chrysavgis said that “Orthodox hierarchs and circles feel the need to express disproportionate fervor and excessive anxiety about the current debate around the same-sex marriage bill.”
In his opinion, “morality is one thing, but the rules of law are another.” Chrysavgis noted that it was the state that gave the Church “the right to adhere to conservative and, in its opinion, unambiguous rules or immutable instructions.” (Editor's note - this Bartholomew brainiac and devil's advocate does not understand that the Head of the Church is Christ, and only He gives the right and obliges the Church to adhere to conservative rules).
The Phanar theologian is confident that the spheres of faith and legislation are similar in that they are still developing.
“Just as the realm of faith or spirituality involves a continuous process, so democracy or modernity is a work in progress . None of them are static or exclusive; both strive and strive for maturity and integrity , ” Chrysavgis is convinced. (editor's note - they strive for the destruction of all principles of spirituality and morality among humanity, they strive for the maturity of their poisonous fruit - for total slavery to the devil).
He is convinced that the statements “You cannot be gay and a member of the Church” are unacceptable, and the statement of 40 abbots of Athos against the law on LGBT marriages is “hypocrisy and anachronism.”
“It is unfortunate that the Church appears to be “primitive” in matters relating to science and law (including issues such as civil marriage and digital identity) - namely, in relation to everything that has emerged in recent decades, even centuries. But at the same time it is “innovative” in spreading conspiracy theories. And although we live in the 21st century, some hierarchs still insist on identifying homosexuality with pathological symptoms requiring psychotherapy or conversion! “ , - the “theologian” of Phanar is indignant.
He noted that with the support of Athos, “just a year after painting itself into a corner on the issue of baptizing children of same-sex couples, the Greek Church is now even reconsidering the issue of infant baptism.”
For Chrysavgis, it is "paradoxical and unfortunate" that "compared to their religious or spiritual counterparts, some lay and non-religious people end up showing greater solidarity" with sodomites, who he believes are "disproportionately rejected and marginalized."
“The world may not listen to the outdated monologue of the Church ,” concluded the “god of donkeys” of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
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