The President of Russia has taken notice — Professor William Brumfield captured the best and most extensive collection of photos of the most beautiful churches on Earth . . .
Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree, granting federal awards on behalf of the Russian Federation. The Order of Friendship was awarded to William Kraft Brumfield, professor at the Department of Slavic and German Studies at Tulane University (USA).
He was granted this award because of his merits in strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, and fruitful activities for bringing people together from various national cultures.

Some of his most stunning photos can be seen in these articles:
- The Extraordinary American Professor Who Photographed the Striking Christian Architecture of Russia's North
- Optina Pustyn: Spiritual Retreat of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
- Tikhvin Monastery: Sacred Site & Lifeline for Besieged Leningrad
- A Treasure of Old Christian Paintings in a Russian Church in a Remote Forest
- Monastery of Sts. Boris and Gleb in Torzhok: in Memory of Murdered Princes
- A Magical Siberian Village and Its Amazing Wooden Church - Lost In Time
- The Trinity-Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma: Refuge for the Romanovs
- The Kremlin's Dormition Cathedral: Russia's Sacred Crown
More than 30 years ago, he became interested in the architecture of the Russian North and realized that he could use photography to capture its unique churches and monasteries. Since then, he has been traveling tirelessly around Russia, photographing preserved architectural monuments, publishing books about them, and giving lectures around the world.
As a student from the University of California, Brumfield first came to the USSR in 1970. Shortly before the trip, he had purchased his first film camera, and the shots he brought back from the Soviet Union created a sensation at the university where he studied.
Having come to understand that photography of architectural monuments was his vocation, and having already received a doctorate in Slavic studies (as a philologist studying Russian language and literature), Dr. Brumfield then began to study Russian architecture. In 1983, Brumfield's first book was published — Gold in Azure: A Thousand Years of Russian Architecture — exquisitely illustrated with his stunning photographs.
He proceeded to make hundreds of trips to the most remote corners of Russia, taking thousands of photographs, and writing dozens of articles, publications, and books.
More of Professor Brumfield's breathtaking photography can be viewed here:
- Divine Wisdom in Novgorod the Great
- The Goritsky Monastery: History Within a Stunning Landscape
- History in Carvings: The Cathedral of the Dormition in Vladimir
- Miracle at Tsypino: The Resurrection of a Russian Wooden Church
- Zaraisk: Ancient Citadel with Ties to Some of Russia's Greatest Figures
- St. Avraam Gorodetsky Monastery: Picturesque site with ties to Lermontov
- The Magnificent Frescoes of Yaroslavl: St. John the Baptist at Tolchkovo
- The History of a Beautiful Ancient Monastery Told Through Photos
While pursuing his work, William Brumfield lived in the USSR and Russia for more than 15 years, taking pictures in both winter and in summer, at different times of the day, catching the light, finding new angles.
“In a way, I’m a unique person — what I do, nobody does,” Brumfield admits. "I created my way, and I don't get too tired to popularize my work. Not everyone likes it. Trying to engage Americans with Russian culture is often not promising. But I found my refuge, I found allies who help me, and I became a well known specialist in my field. And so far, my work inspires me. I call it God's providence.”
Source: Culture Info (Russian)