The chainsaw slipped, amputating two fingers and severing three more, making it impossible to work. This tragedy greatly affected Fr. Sergei, his wife, and their six children. Thankfully, many of our readers responded, and here is what they did to help . . .
Dear Friends, last year we appealed to you, to your love and charity, due to a set of unfortunate circumstances. As you might remember, tragedy struck the kind hardworking parish priest of Tikhvin, Leningrad Oblast, Fr. Sergei Filonov and his large family (Fr. Sergei and Matushka Daria have six children), in December 2018.
As Fr. Sergei rushed to complete his new family home in time for Christmas, three fingers from his left hand were unfortunately cut off by the saw he was operating. Soon after, we reached out to you and appealed for help with completing the Filonov’s family home.
Today, through your prayers and generosity, that has been accomplished. Your kindness not only allowed the Filonov family to finish all the internal woodwork, but also to install plumbing, a septic system, purchase a shower and full bathroom and also a stove heating system which warms both floors of the home.
For this, Fr. Sergei thanks you from the bottom of his heart, and as a token of gratitude invites you to email the names of your loved ones, living and departed, for commemoration to sergij.filonov @
Here are some photos of the wonderful work that has been done to help this family, thanks to your generous support:
May God bless you all for the good work we collectively accomplished as one Christian family!
In Christ’s love,
Fr. Ioannis Fortomas & Presbytera Elizabeth
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