"Why have so few Orthodox clergy spoken up with some hierarchs even demanding adherence to government mandates? I don’t know. I can only assume they are unaware of what our contemporary saints and holy elders have said. I can only assume they are unaware of how corrupt and inhumane our health systems have become. I can only assume they haven’t taken the time to do the simple math revealing that all of this has been a lie. I cannot think of any other reason other than ignorance, which can be corrected and absolved with prayer and repentance. . ."
Why is a site about Russian Christianity running Covid news? We believe Covid is a major spiritual issue, a demonic attack on Christianity, enslaving mankind. Our staff are extremely well-informed about it, and can identify truly important articles, often with a Christian angle. We'll feature Dr. Mercola, a vital voice for truth, because he is censored by our anti-Christian technocracy. - The Editor
There have been peaceful and law-abiding protest every Saturday at 1:30 PM on the grounds of Alberta Legislature against the illegal and unscientific measures being forced upon citizens. Access this page for information related to COVID 19. All information has been independently verified and peer reviewed.
[A few relevant off-the-cuff remarks were made.]
There are many things I’d like to say, but only have time to talk about one: religious exemptions.
The Orthodox have an outlook regarding such things that may seem foolish to the world. There’s a story, a parable perhaps, or maybe it’s based on something that actually happened, that I’ve been meaning to tell at one of these rallies: An evil and wicked ruler came to power over a particular people. A certain pious individual was deeply grieved by this and prayed to God night and day, asking why such an evil man was placed over them. Eventually, God answered his prayers and told him: “I did everything I could to find a ruler for you that you truly deserve, but this was the worse I could find.”
There are some for whom a religious exception is of no use. If this is your situation, I ask that you pay attention anyway so that you can pass this information on to someone who can use it. Perhaps this act of kindness, what the world calls “paying it forward,” will eventually result in some benefit to you. Of course, true kindness means doing something without any interest in receiving something in return.
The question I’ve been asked more than anything else at these rallies is: what is the position of the Orthodox Church on all of this, the vaccines, the lockdowns, and everything else? To correctly answer that question, this question would have to be addressed: who is the head of the Orthodox Church? The answer to this question is Christ, but this is a rather unsatisfactory answer for the worldly minded. Nonetheless, Christ is the Head of the Orthodox Church and any suggestion otherwise is heresy. Saint Gregory the Great even said: “I say it without the least hesitation, whoever calls himself the universal bishop, or desires this title, is, by his pride, the precursor of Antichrist, because he thus attempts to raise himself above the others. The error into which he falls springs from pride equal to that of Antichrist; for as that Wicked One wished to be regarded as exalted above other men, like a god, so likewise whoever would be called sole bishop exalteth himself above others.”
Metropolitan Nikiforos of Kykkos and Tellyria recently recalled this teaching: “Throughout her two-thousand-year history the Orthodox Church has never endowed any of her bishops with the title and powers of Head of the Church.”
Any personal opinion or position of a mere man, be he a bishop, a patriarch, a monk, or an average layman, is libel to receive this rebuke from Christ: “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offence to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”
The true position of Christ and, therefore, the Church, is revealed noetically through the synergy of the Holy Spirit and the members of the Church, the mystical Body of Christ. The enlighten elders, those humbled enough to be worthy of such knowledge, just like the Apostles, receive this noetic knowledge and pass it on to us who have yet to climb such heights of Divine ascent. This is how the Bible was written, its canon fixed, and how it is correctly interpreted. This Divine interaction with man has never ceased. The consensus of the Church Fathers, the clairvoyant elders and saints, known for lives of holiness, wisdom, and orthodox doctrine, assures us of what is Divinely revealed Truth. Everything else, while not necessarily wrong, is assumed to be merely opinion. It is, without question, the consensus of the Church Fathers that we must consult to know the position of the Church.
What is the consensus of the Fathers regarding these so-called “vaccines”?
Saint Paisios of Mount Athos, who reposed in 1994, said: “And now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory and those taking it will be marked… My thinking tells me that this is the system through which the Antichrist has chosen to take over the whole world, and people who are not part of this system won’t be able to find work and so on…”
Elder Justin Parvu of Romania, who reposed in 2013, said: “So, do not receive this vaccine or anything that the new political powers bring you today.”
Elder Savvas Achilleos of Athens, who reposed in 2016, said: “The world will feel the need to receive the anti-flu shot, yet this vaccine will contain a cruel illness in and of itself and will not contain anything that will prevent people from contracting the virus. It is highly recommended to not proceed to any vaccination.”
Metropolitan Augustinos Kantiotes of Florina, who reposed in 2010, said: “But in the end times it seems that the persecution will be even more clandestine. The persecutors, in order not to be regarded as cruel and merciless in the world’s opinion, and so as not to draw sympathy towards their victims, will slaughter “with white gloves,” according to the common saying.”
This is the consensus of the Fathers. This is the consensus of the Church. Anyone who disagrees can argue with the saints in heaven, but they cannot deny the Divinely inspired words they have left us.
David has quoted Dante at previous rallies: “The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.” This is close, but Saint Macarius the Great gives the more precise teaching, or rather, the skull of a pagan priest. After the skull had described hell, Saint Macarius asked: “Are there punishments which are more painful than this?” To which the skull replied: “There is a more grievous punishment down below us. We have received a little mercy since we did not know God, but those who know God and denied Him are down below us.” I cannot judge anyone. I can only speak for myself. Since I am ordained clergy, even learning of Saint Paisios directly from one of his disciples, and I am not at all ignorant regarding all of this, those darkest places in hell are reserved for me if I do not follow and teach the consensus of the Fathers.
Request a religious exemption. Freedom of religion and belief is legally protected in Canada. Use it. You can even do this if you’re not Orthodox: simply consider yourself an inquirer. Inquirers are merely inquiring about the Faith. Asking what the Orthodox position is on anything or just listening to this speech is an inquiry. This may be like the false baptismal certificates issued to Jews to save them from Nazi Extermination, only actual inquiries are being made. There’s no obligate for an inquirer to join the Orthodox Church. Being coerced or forced into joining the Church will almost certainly end in disaster. It is wrong. It is spiritual harmful. It is not Orthodox. So inquire all you want.
Regarding the use of aborted fetal cells in the development and manufacturing of these so-called “vaccines”: the government is holding a gun to your head. Do you think it’s better to object to the use of aborted fetal cells in the development and manufacturing of the ammunition or to the fact that the government is holding a gun to your head? While the use of aborted fetal cell is an important and very serious issue, it’s a red herring in this particular context.
Requests for religious exemptions based on these warnings from saints and elders may reference me: The Reverend Deacon John Grigaitis, Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in Canada.
[Some important off-the-cuff remarks were made, mostly to the premier of Alberta.]
Why have so few Orthodox clergy spoken up with some hierarchs even demanding adherence to government mandates? I don’t know. I can only assume they are unaware of what our contemporary saints and holy elders have said. I can only assume they are unaware of how corrupt and inhumane our health systems have become. I can only assume they haven’t taken the time to do the simple math revealing that all of this has been a lie. I cannot think of any other reason other than ignorance, which can be corrected and absolved with prayer and repentance.
Even if you’ve gotten one, two, three shots, stop now before it’s too late. This isn’t the final mark of the beast, only a preliminary mark preparing for the mark on the forehead or right hand. Repent and pray.
[Some important off-the-cuff remarks were made.]
And the quote from Saint Gabriel of Georgia: “True faith is found in the heart, not the mind. Those who have faith in their minds will follow the Antichrist, while those with faith in their heart will unmask the Antichrist.”