Viganò Calls on People of Faith to Unite in a Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance to Free Humanity from the Totalitarian Regime (VIDEO)

"The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill. This is the first appeal I make to that effect."

Originally appeared at: Gateway Pundit

Editor's Note: We would like to make it clear that the Russian Faith team is flatly opposed to the pan-heresy of Ecumenism, rejecting any common prayer and union with heretics, be they Catholic, Protestant, Oriental Orthodox etc., in accordance with the teaching of the Orthodox Church and its canons. However, we occasionally share texts written by Catholics (& others) only when the content of the text remains completely within the bounds of sound doctrine.

Viganò shared this moving text and video (at the bottom) with us on Wednesday.  The video and text are an international call for the creation of an anti-globalist alliance to defeat the evil elites who wish to enslave free men and women and promote a “Religion of Humanity that cancels Faith in Christ.”

From the text:

“This Anti-Globalist Alliance will have to bring together the Nations that intend to escape the infernal yoke of tyranny and affirm their own sovereignty, forming agreements of mutual collaboration with Nations and peoples who share their principles and the common yearning for freedom, justice, and goodness. It will have to denounce the crimes of the elite, identify those responsible, denounce them to international tribunals, and limit their excessive power and harmful influence. It will have to prevent the action of the lobbies, above all by fighting against the corruption of state officials and those who work in the information industry, and by freezing the capital used to destabilize the social order.”

"The whole pandemic issue is instrumental to the Great Reset, and it is the latter that we must fight. I think that, at this moment, it is most appropriate to create a movement of the people that calls together, in an Anti-globalist Alliance, Catholics, Christians, and people of goodwill.  This is the first appeal I make to that effect."

"…If the attack is global.  The defense must also be global."

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