Russian Church Not Going To Close Temples During Lockdown

The Russian Orthodox Church has previously said that they do not think it is possible to make parishioners show QR-codes.

The Russian Orthodox Church is not going to take new measures in connection with the lockdown in Russia. Bishop Savva (Tutunov) of Zelenograd told RIA Novosti on October 21.

"In contrast to secular institutions, anti-epidemic measures in churches have remained unchanged since last summer, no decisions have been made to weaken them and then arrange them again. No new decisions are required." explained Bishop Savva.

It should be noted that in many regions all cultural institutions, from cinemas to museums are closed for the period of the lockdown. QR-codes are also being introduced to visit almost any public place. However, the Russian Orthodox Church has previously said that they do not think it is possible to make parishioners show QR-codes.

Source: (Russian)

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