Protestant Church in U.S. Will Be "Fasting From Whiteness" This Lent

Meanwhile in "Christian" America. . .

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A Protestant church in suburban Chicago has told parishioners it will refrain from performing any music associated with white people during Lent, Fox News reported April 5.

"We will not use music or liturgy written or composed by white people in our worship services during Lent," said the First United Church of Oak Park's Web site. "Our music will be based on African American spirituals, South African freedom songs, Native American traditions and more."

That is, instead of Bach music, the church will presumably sing African pagan songs.

The statement continues: "During Lent we pray that in our spiritual disciplines we may grow as Christians united in the body of Christ with people of all ages, nations, races and backgrounds."

According to a photo posted on the Turning Point USA right-wing website, the church also erected a sign advertising a racially charged post that said it would hold services "around the voices of blacks, indigenous people and people of color."

The message, which talks about rejecting white music during Lent, is titled: "Lent 2022: Fasting from Whiteness."

In a section of the church website that explains its "values", the church states that its members support an agreement to practice inclusiveness by "valuing people of all races, ethnicities, cultural identities, gender identities, sexual orientations and abilities in every aspect of our community life."

The church, which "fasts from whiteness," also describes itself as "an open and inclusive Christian community. Inclusiveness means that they refuse to consider sexual perversion a sin, elevating it to the norm.

Editor's Comment

Recall that during his visit to Malta, the pope refused to have a large cross on stage so as not to offend Muslim migrants. So this Protestant church is acting quite in the spirit of the times, essentially denying Christianity.

Source: (Russian)

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