"The onslaught on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is in the works in Kiev. This is hardly an emotional expression, but rather a statement based upon the available documentary evidence."
Addressing the nation on February 21st with regard to the treacherous violation of the international agreements by the Ukrainian authorities and the offensive of Ukrainian military forces against the population of the Eastern provinces, Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, expressed his concern with the plight of the Orthodox faithful in Ukraine.
"The onslaught on the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is in the works in Kiev," said the President. "This is hardly an emotional expression, but rather a statement based upon the available documentary evidence."
"The regime in Kiev has cynically converted the tragedy of the Church schism into an instrument of their administration. In spite of the appeals of the faithful, laws and regulations curbing their religious rights have not been repealed. Moreover, new legislative initiatives have been registered in Kiev, aimed at the persecution of Orthodox clergy and millions of believers who remain faithful to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate," added Mr. Vladimir Putin.