His Holiness' speech and the circular that followed it have revolutionary significance - in essence, it is a verdict to the anti-people bill on QR codes and the entire digital transformation, an open resistance of the Church to the apostasy taking place in the world and in Russia. . .
Editor's Note: This article was generated by machine translation, so our staff cautions the reader about possible inaccuracies that may have resulted from this. However, it was deemed worthwhile to still publish such a piece because of the intrinsic value of the message - which remains evident even in its translated form.
Source: katyusha.org (Russian)
After His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill's vivid speech against QR codes, machine control of people and compulsory vaccination at a diocesan meeting in Moscow, followed by a circular letter from Bp. Dionysius, the administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate in the Orthodox World, it was if a dam has been broken - the new challenges and threats to the Christian world were openly spoken about not only by individual ascetics-pastors like the Abbot of the Solovetsky monastery, Porphyry of Ozersky (who spoke about this earlier), but also by broader circles of the clergy. Unfortunately, this is not the case everywhere: in some dioceses the message of His Holiness the Patriarch did not reach them, all the more so because the media, including church media, and the "fifth column" in the Russian government and within the church bureaucracy actively discourage this. The public movement, the Council of Orthodox Laity, decided to remedy the situation and help get the official position of the Church to all 319 dioceses and individual parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church.
As RIA Katyusha reported earlier, following the results of the Moscow diocesan council, Metropolitan Dionysius of Voskresensk (administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate), first vicar of His Holiness, prepared a special circular demanding to bring His Holiness' words, including the unacceptability of segregation based on the presence or absence of QR codes, to all clergy. In particular, it says: "The clergy of the Moscow diocese shares the concern expressed by the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church about possible misuse of digital technologies... Please also remind the clergy of the inadmissibility of abusing pastoral authority to induce a person to make this or that decision in the matter of vaccination against coronavirus infection. It is all the more unacceptable to prevent an Orthodox Christian from participating in the sacraments or services of the Church because of his decision in this matter, or because of the presence or absence of a vaccination identifier (clause 9 of the Diocesan Assembly resolution of December 22, 2021) [...] By December 26th this year, the above text must be posted on information boards at parishes, sub-districts and monasteries of the Moscow diocese (a sample is attached). This text may be printed and distributed to parishioners as a leaflet."
His Holiness' speech and the circular that followed it have revolutionary significance - in essence, it is a verdict to the anti-people bill on QR codes and the entire digital transformation, an open resistance of the Church to the apostasy taking place in the world and in our country. Of course, many priests and even bishops have talked about this before, but not all dared to do so openly from the pulpit. But some separate bishops, fighting for loyalty of power holders and, apparently, counting on their support in the future struggle for the Patriarch's chair, every now and then made provocative statements in support of vaccination and QR codes. Especially the main philocatholic of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion Alpheyev, distinguished himself in this issue. Also great confusion among the church people was caused by Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) of Pskov, who showed himself to be an adherent of general euthanasia, apparently based on his personal trust in Mr. Gintsburg (at one time Metropolitan Tikhon's mother worked in Gamaleya Research Center and, apparently, strongly influenced her son, who studied to be a film director before becoming a monk).
At a time when virtually all of the media is controlled by the "covid party," it is not surprising that for a long time these two clergymen remained on the stage, I mean, off the air, forming the false impression among many Orthodox people that the Church supposedly supports the covidian faith. For hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Orthodox people, the activities of covidian advocates in cassocks and panagias [i.e., Bishops] have become a serious temptation, up to and including leaving the Church.
Conversely, the Patriarch's current statement was very much a challenge for many, which they tried to "silence".
In order to prevent this, activists of the public movement "Council of Orthodox Laity" decided to address all 319 dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, including those outside the borders of today's Russia, with this letter:
In addition, the laity urged the faithful living in different regions of the Russian world to take the initiative and be conscientious, to print a copy of Bp. Dionysius' circular letter and the key fragment of the introduction of His Holiness the Patriarch, and to personally address their ruling bishops, vicars, rectors of parishes, etc. - including the above mentioned Metropolitan Hilarion and Tikhon. A sample letter here, and here is an appeal from Anatoly Artukh, coordinator of the Council of Orthodox Laity.
You can report the results of your visits/ correspondence with dioceses, vichariates and clergy to the Council of Orthodox Laity at sobor-2021@mail.ru or to the VK group - the initiators of the campaign intend to make a report to His Holiness the Patriarch and Bp. Dionysius about how their order is being carried out.