His writings have inspired many other saints, including the well-known American hermit, Fr. Seraphim Rose. . .
In March 2020, Old Paths Press was launched and began publishing works by and about Russian Holy Fathers. These books have not been translated into English before now.
There are currently eight titles available with more on the way (some in the next several months).
The most significant work published to date is without question On True Christianity by St. Tikhon of Zadonsk. The entire unabridged magnum opus of the beloved saint was translated from the original 18th-century Russian text, and is currently available as a 6-volume set.
Additionally, The Cell Letters by the same holy Bishop were just printed.
The writings of St. Tikhon were immensely popular from their first publication in the 18th century until the first half of the 20th century. This is why in 1905 St. Tikhon the Confessor and Patriarch of Moscow dedicated the first Orthodox monastery in North America to his veneration.
Unfortunately, English-speaking Orthodox Christians have been largely unable to learn from the great “Russian Chrysostom,” as he is rightly called, because very little of the great treasure of his writings has been available in English translation until now.
His writings were truly inspired by the Holy Spirit, and have been a safe guide for generations of clergy, monastics, and laity. They were intended for all ranks of Christians, and have been considered essential to a healthy spiritual life by many recent Russian holy elders, such as St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, St. Theophan the Recluse, St. Anatoly the Younger of Optina, Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko), and Fr. Seraphim (Rose).
The Old Paths Press publication blog with links for purchase can be found here: https://oldpathspress.wordpress.com/, and all inquiries can be sent to oldpathspress@gmail.com.