A bill has been submitted to the State Duma according to which Russian women will not be able to have abortions in private clinics. The bill was introduced by the Nizhny Novgorod parliament. The document was published in the legislative support system.
The authors state that the amendments to the law are aimed at “improving the demographic situation,” RBC notes.

“The bill provides for the exclusion of medical organizations of the private health care system from the list of medical organizations that have the right to perform artificial termination of pregnancy,” the explanatory note says.
The authors of the amendments propose to add Part 1 of Art. 56 of the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens” with the words: “Artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out in medical organizations of the state and municipal health care system.” Now this article states that each woman independently decides the issue of motherhood, and artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out at her request and with informed voluntary consent.
As previously reported, several Russian regions have introduced fines for inciting women to have abortions.