Father George Calciu (1925–2006) was a sufferer for Christ, as those of the early church. A Romanian by birth, an Orthodox Christian by upbringing, and a priest by vocation, Calciu spent a total of twenty-one brutal years in prison—tortured and subjected to brainwashing—for his outspoken evangelism and criticism of communist materialism.
Fr. George’s remarkable story of faith and courage is vividly told in the exemplary book, Father George Calciu: Interviews, Homilies, and Talks [source for the text below]. Fr. Calciu’s witness is clear: Persecution and martyrdom—as hard as they are—redound to increased faith and ultimate victory. In this video, he talks (in 1996) about how he perceives American society would react to the coming trials of the end times.
Fr. George Calciu of most blessed memory reveal:
"I do not really believe that what happened in Romania can be repeated. I think America is under a big threat from a religious point of view, but it will be easier for a Christian to resist here [in America] than in Romania, because the people are still accustomed to a certain freedom. There are millions of people; they would have to put too many in prision.
On the other hand, I know that Americans had a very good life and they are not prepared for shortages of food and everything, you know. I am sure that if something like that should come, they would be ready to collaborate with Satan without any hesitation.
For this, you have to prepare the young people for difficult times as Christians. We have to accept, you know, that bad times will come to us. But those who are good, by the mercy of God, will be able to resist. God will shorten the times for this. People must be made to understand that spiritual resistance is more important than anything else. The body must submit to the spirit."
[The above text is excerpted from a 1996 interview which is recorded in "Fr. George Calciu: Interviews, Homilies and Talks", which was published in 2010.]
Editor's note: It is quite revealing that, while the Ecumenists and social-gospel peddlers strive to erect (in their high but deluded hopes) some glorious new world of brotherhood, unity, love, justice, and peace, our Saints and Elders, like Fr. George Calciu, warn us to prepare for the intense sufferings which lie ahead.
Other holy ones who have offered such warnings include: St. Paisios the Athonite, Fr. Seraphim Rose, Elder Justin Parvu, Bishop Averky of Jordanville, Elder Ephraim of Arizona, Elder Athanasios Mitilinaios, the Catacomb Elder St. Theodosius of Minvody and many, many others. Let us prepare spiritually!