"The [debunked] theories supporting the use of these [psychiatric] drugs and physical assaults deny the existence of the psyche (i.e., the soul), making the term “psychiatrist” false. Since they cannot actually describe what part of the human person they treat, they cannot coin a term for themselves. Of course, since they have misappropriated the title of “physician of souls” and actually harm souls, they could legitimately called anti-psychiatrists. Given that Christ is The Physician of our souls, they could also be legitimately called antichrists."
Elder Savvas Achilleos of Athens said: “The Antichrist will take the throne though ‘health’.” He also said: “The Antichrist will take over the cathedral of medicine. He will take all medicine under his power and will turn them into poison. Those who take this medicine will be poisoned and eventually die.”
Elder Savvas reposed in 2016 and had said these things in 2007. He was a holy man, a true physician of souls.

It is now clear that the Antichrist has taken over the health systems of the world. This path had been set at the beginning of the 20th century and by the end of the 1960’s, those setting this path claimed it couldn’t be stopped, even if someone tired. But when did the Antichrist “take over the cathedral of medicine”?
Saint Gabriel of Georgia said: “The half of the Hell is already on Earth. The Antichrist was already born and he is standing at the door. He is not knocking, he is breaking in. You will witness his reign.”
[Later addition: Apparently there is a video of Elder Cleopa of Romania talking about the end times. In 1995, Elder Cleopa said that the Antichrist was born and is being raised secretly. As well, Elder Proclu of Romania told some visiting pilgrims on February 20, 2009 that “the Antichrist was born.”]
I do not know when Saint Gabriel said this, but since he reposed in 1995, it seems the Antichrist was born sometime before that, perhaps in the 1980’s. Saint Gabriel of Georgia was also a holy man, a true physician of souls.
The Greek for “physician of souls” is ιατρού των ψυχών [iatrou ton psychon]. If one were to coin a single English word based on that Greek, it would be: psychiatrist. While the field of psychology goes back millennia, with Aristotle even being called “the father of psychology” due to his treatise Περὶ Ψυχῆς [Peri Psychēs] (On the Soul), the medical field called “psychiatry” is only a couple of centuries old.
The medical field called “psychiatry” really didn’t start to be accepted as a legitimate field of medicine until the 1950’s when the drug Thorazine (a.k.a. Chlorpromazine) was introduced. Before this, the only way so-called “psychiatrists” differed from psychologists was their use of lobotomy, electroconvulsive therapy, and other physical assaults on the brain. Before 1970, they even openly discussed theories of why brain damage seems to alleviate mental illness. After 1970, it was no longer socially acceptable to discuss such theories, just as it was no longer socially acceptable to openly discuss eugenics. Rather than propose theories of why brain damage seems to alleviate mental illness, they tried to deny causing such damage and simply began explaining these “therapies” by saying: “We don’t know why it works. We just know it works.”
Father Theophanes (Constantine) explains why brain damage appears to alleviate mental illness in Volume 1 of The Psychological Basis of Mental Prayer in the Heart: “The soul functions through the body, and if the body is damaged, say in its higher brain centres, then the soul cannot express itself, without for all that having been lost.”
Electroconvulsive therapy was used by both the Soviets and the Nazis in attempts to destroy the minds of their enemies. Likewise, drugs, such as Thorazine, were used to keep their enemies quiet. Saint Gabriel of Georgia was specifically given Thorazine (Аминазин) in an attempt to silence him, but, by the grace of God, it had no effect on him. Likewise, alcohol had no effect on Saint Gabriel and even electricity had not effect on him. (Once, high voltage Intercity lines were damaged near the monastery and Father Gabriel connected these cables with his bare hands. People were shocked, but he answered modestly: “This is nothing in comparison to God’s energy.”)
Although Thorazine allowed so-called “psychiatrists” to prescribe drugs like other doctors, it was not until Prozac (a.k.a. Fluoxetine) came out in the 1980’s that they really began to be recognized as real doctors. It seems Prozac not only kept Eli Lilly and Company from the brink of bankruptcy, it was the first pharmaceutical product to reach annual sales of over a billion dollars. In order to keep gaining credibility, the American Psychiatric Association began dissociating from theories like that of Sigmund Freud and focused on the “chemical imbalance” theory. Of course, the cure for the alleged “chemical imbalance” was Prozac and the similar drugs that soon followed.
The “chemical imbalance” theory had been clinically shown to be false with subsequent research repeatedly confirming this. The only chemical imbalances found in clinical studies were the ones caused by drugs like Thorazine, Prozac, and the others that helped gain so-called “psychiatrists” legitimacy as real doctors.
As well, Prozac was approved for market via bribery and falsified research data. Eli Lilly specifically targeted Sweden in gaining market approval for Prozac because Sweden had the highest standards. Sweden’s high standards not only allowed approval in other counties to easily follow, Sweden’s medical officials were not used to perks, so they were very easy to bribe. Incidentally, Prozac was originally going to be marketed as a medication for obesity, but since it is very difficult to get registration for obesity, they decided to market it for depression.
While the above is evil enough, the study approving Prozac for children demonstrates the evil nature of the pharmaceutical industry and the field of so-called “psychiatry” even further. While the abstract of the study suggests the eighteen children who committed suicide during the study were evenly divided between the Prozac group and the control group, the body of the study is a little confusing on this point. Upon reviewing the raw data for the study, it seems eight of the children in the control group who committed suicide were eventually moved to the Prozac group. Obviously, they did not commit suicide while still in the control group. Thus, the truth is that one child in the control group committed suicide while seventeen children in the Prozac group committed suicide. And, yet, this is the study used to approve Prozac for children.
While there are other medical fields involved in similar evil, such as procured abortion, so-called “psychiatry” has the distinction of being unable to coin a term to describe itself. The term psychologist was taken millennia ago and what distinguishes so-called “psychiatrists” from psychologists is that psychologist cannot prescribe drugs or physically assault the body. The [debunked] theories supporting the use of these drugs and physical assaults deny the existence of the psyche (i.e., the soul), making the term “psychiatrist” false. Since they cannot actually describe what part of the human person they treat, they cannot coin a term for themselves. Of course, since they have misappropriated the title of “physician of souls” and actually harm souls, they could legitimately called anti-psychiatrists. Given that Christ is The Physician of our souls, they could also be legitimately called antichrists.
“O Physician of our souls, who knowest the mind of man, in Thy compassion heal our infirmities, for we are weak and broken by sin.”
- Troparion of the Prophecy, Sixth Hour on the Monday of the Third Week in Great Lent
When one considers all of the above and the consequences, it seems rather obvious that it was through the pseudo-medical field of “psychiatry” that the Antichrist took “over the cathedral of medicine.” It seems Jeffrey A. Lieberman even suggests the Antichrist had done this sometime between 2013 and 2015 from what he wrote in the book Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry: “For the first time in its long and notorious history, psychiatry can offer scientific, humane, and effective (sic) treatments to those suffering from mental illness. I became president of the American Psychiatric Association at a historic turning point in my profession. As I write this, psychiatry is finally taking its rightful place in the medical community after a long sojourn in the scientific wilderness. Buoyed by new research, new technologies, and new insights, psychiatry does not merely have the capacity to raise itself from the shadows but the obligation to stand up and show the world its revivifying light.”
What other medical field would ever make such a claim? Only the medical field with Lucifer on its cathedral chair would feel it has “the obligation to stand up and show the world its revivifying light.”