Pop Legend Bobby Farrell Dropped Dead After Blaspheming Russian Empress, Rasputin (VIDEO)

"He died in the country, the city where Rasputin was murdered; he was called to the judgment of God on the day of the martyrdom of the one whom he had blasphemed for decades. He who has eyes to see, let him see!"

Editor's Note: This article was generated by machine translation, so our staff cautions the reader about possible inaccuracies that may have resulted from this. However, it was deemed worthwhile to still publish such a piece because of the intrinsic value of the message - which remains evident even in its translated form.

On the night of December 29 to 30, 1916, Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin, a tsarist friend, was brutally murdered in Petrograd. His body was found mutilated with traces of torture. Amazingly, the tortured man was able to free his hands from under the ropes and put his fingers to make the sign of the cross. So he stood there, blessing. 

The common people mourned the death of their intercessor and representative to the Emperor. Even the French ambassador Maurice Paleologue was forced to admit: "For the peasants Rasputin became a martyr; he was from the people; he brought the voice of the people to the Tsar; he defended the people against the courtiers; and now the courtiers killed him. This is what is repeated in all the halls."

When after the murder of Rasputin, they began to look for his treasures, it turned out that Grigory Yefimovich was poor. All donations and gifts he immediately gave to the poor, orphans, the sick, donated to the construction of churches. This, of course, does not fit into the caricature, which is imposed for more than a century to the world. Over the century was written a sea of books and articles, drawing Rasputin in black-pornish tones.

Hollywood and Soviet movie stars and other priests of the world of dreams spared no pain to portray the universal scarecrow called "Rasputin". Even behind the Iron Curtain, Soviet youth managed to shake to the hit song "Rasputin" by the group Boney M. This satanic song blasphemes not only against Grigory Rasputin, but also against the holy Tsarina Alexandra and the Orthodox Russia. But God is not to be despised. In 2010 in St. Petersburg on the anniversary of the murder of Rasputin, Bobby Farrell, lead singer of "Boney M", a well known singer of this song, performed at a Gazprom's corporate party and sang this blasphemous slogan. But after the December 30, 2010 performance in a hotel room, the idol of pop stopped his heart forever. He died in the country, the city where Rasputin was murdered; he was called to the judgment of God on the day of the martyrdom of the one whom he had blasphemed for decades. He who has eyes to see, let him see! 


And such mystical coincidences associated with the life and death of Rasputin are a great many. History itself has presented a cascade of bloody lessons, telling us who was right a hundred years ago. Many prophecies survived Rasputin. In them he directly links his martyrdom with the death of Russia. About this also prophetically wrote the holy Great Martyr Empress Alexandra.


Source: t.me/tsarkrest (Russian)

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