Note from the Editor: This news is for informational purposes only. We do not support ecumenism, and thus we do not support these statements from the Greek Patriarch. The only legitimate way for Rome to regain unity with the Orthodox Church, is for Rome to renounce its heresies, and to become Orthodox.
On October 15, 2023, during a joint ecumenical prayer with the Cardinal of Madrid, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople acknowledged that the "common chalice" with the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is a road with no return," as reported by

Patriarch Bartholomew and Cardinal of Madrid. Photo:
Discussing the "path to unity" between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Patriarch Bartholomew admitted that the journey toward the "common chalice" is still fraught with unforeseen circumstances, setbacks, and sometimes even coldness and weariness. However, he emphasized that this is a "road with no return."
Patriarch Bartholomew stated, "Dialogue is absolutely necessary for our mutual understanding because dialogue takes nothing away from one's personality but enriches it with the experience of the other."
It was previously reported by the UOJ that, according to Patriarch Bartholomew, the Roman Catholic Church and the Ecumenical Patriarchate can "learn about each other."
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