Defrocked Homo Priest Calls for Murder of Russian Patriarch (Kirill)

Originally appeared at: Orthodox Network Blog

Giacomo (Peter) Sanfilippo, the defrocked priest, proud homosexual, and vocal supporter of the LGBTQ agenda, has sunk to a new low. He has publicly advocated for the murder of the Russian Patriarch by the Ukrainian Intelligence.

On May 25, 2023, on his falsely labeled “Orthodoxy in Dialogue” Facebook page, Sanfillipo posted a link to a story from the Kyiv Post titled “Ukrainian Intelligence Says It’s Getting ‘Closer and Closer’ to Eliminating Putin” and added the following comments:

I’m sorry not sorry for my lack of a Christian spirit. They should take out the Patriarch while they’re at it.

Here’s a screen-shot of his post sent to us by a blog reader:

For those who are not familiar with the diabolical works of Giacomo Sanfilippo, previous articles on this site and other legitimate Orthodox Christian venues paint a very clear (and dark) picture of this malicious homosexual activist who continues his descent into madness.

Giacomo Sanfilippo’s Unholy Vendetta Against Faithful Orthodox Priests and Teachers

“Two Men in Bed Together”: a Failure of Exegesis [Sanfilippo’s homosexualist obsession]

Fr. Josiah Trenham Defends Himself, His Wife, and His Church Against Defamatory and Malicious Attacks by Giacomo Sanfilippo

Scandalous Activists Attack OCA Synod For Rejecting Same-Sex Unions and LGBTQ Identities

Petition for Bishops to Denounce Blasphemous “Orthodoxy in Dialogue” Website

Warning to Orthodox Church: False Teachers and Deceitful Venues That Contradict and Distort Church Teaching

Posting this information to warn the Orthodox faithful to stay away from this worker of iniquity and many of his supporters who actively undermine and attack the Orthodox Church teaching and many faithful priests. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (Ephesians 5:11).

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