Three Orphans From Ukraine, Looking for a Christian Family

Three siblings from Ukraine are orphans, ages 10, 9, and 6. They need to be adopted into a Christian family. Here is a way you can help them today.

Greetings! This is Fr. Joseph Gleason, Editor for the Russian Faith website. There are three orphans in particular who need our help. 

Will these three children be given the opportunity to grow up in a good Christian home? Or will they be adopted by parents who have no relationship with Jesus? These children are young, impressionable, and they desperately need faithful parents who will point them towards Christ.

My sister Alta and her husband Joel want to adopt these three orphans. They want to be godly parents, and to raise these children as Christians. But they need our help.

This is not only an opportunity to help the souls of these three young children. It is also an opportunity to help your own soul. Think of what Jesus said in the 25th chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. On the day of judgment, Jesus separates all people, just like separating sheep from goats. To the sheep, Jesus says, "Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom, for I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was naked, and you clothed me . . ." To the goats, Jesus says, "Depart from me into the everlasting fire, for I was hungry and you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink. I was naked, and you gave me no clothes . . ." 

The only difference between the sheep and the goats, according to the Scriptures, is what they did and didn't DO. Sheep help people who are in need. Goats do not. These three children desperately need Christian parents. Are we going to help make that happen?

When is the last time you took advantange of an opportunity to be one of the sheep, by helping someone who was really in need? I mean really in need. These children don't have a mom, and they don't have a dad. They need good Christian parents who will point them towards Christ.

Joel & Alta Morris

Joel and Alta are devout Orthodox Christians, and they already have four precious children of their own. They have demonstrated their commitment to Christian parenting, by taking their own children to church regularly, and by praying with them daily. 

Please read the following request, written by my sister Alta. Then, please respond to her request. Donate whatever amount you can, and also share this story with everyone you know.

This is not about politics. This is not about helping charitable organizations. This is about helping three precious orphans who need to have a mom and dad. This is about helping three children have a Christian home, with parents who will point them to Christ.

Here is my sister's request:


We are very excited to welcome three orphan siblings from Ukraine into our hearts and home this summer, but we need your help to make this possible! The children we are looking to host are: 10yr old brother, 9yr old sister, and 6 yr old sister. (I'm sorry; for privacy reasons we can't share more information about them on social media, but if you ask us personally, we will be glad to share more!) 

Our first goal is to host these children for about 6 weeks this summer. If we can raise the money to do that and everything goes well, then our long-term hope is to permanently adopt them

Here is the donation page:


FACTS regarding Ukrainian Orphans: 
• 10% of orphans will commit suicide by their 18th birthday. 
• 60% of the girls will end up in prostitution. 
• 70% of the boys will enter a life of crime. 
• Only 20% of orphans will find work. 

Through an international hosting program, school age orphan children are given the chance to travel to America and experience daily life in a loving, Christian family environment. 

This life-changing experience has provided hundreds of institutionalized children the opportunity to make long term caring relationships, giving them some much needed support and hope for a brighter future. 

Some 82,000 children are said to live in orphanages in Ukraine. However, Ukrainian activists put the number closer to 200,000. The 2014 U.S. State Department's Trafficking in Persons Report (TIP) stated, "Children in orphanages and crisis centers continue to be particularly vulnerable to trafficking within Ukraine." 

Condemned to a life of isolation and neglect, children with disabilities are transferred to adult psychiatric facilities or nursing homes when they are about 16 years old, where they will stay until they die. But those with little or no disabilities "graduate" from state-run institutions and find themselves ill-equipped to face life on their own. 

You can make a difference! Your donation will help make our family's dream to help orphans a reality. We will be ever so grateful for every little bit offered. Your donation is fully tax-deductible, and you will receive a receipt after making your donation. Thank you so much for your generosity!

About Open Hearts and Homes for Children

Open Hearts and Homes for Children (OHHC) is a non-profit Christian organization dedicated to improving the lives of Eastern European orphan children. Through an international hosting program, school age orphan children are given the chance to travel to America and experience daily life in a loving, Christian family environment. 

Our Mission: OHHC provides institutionalized children with a unique vacation experience to share the love and life of a Christian family, enjoy recreational and cultural activities, and make long term caring relationships.

Informational Link:

Please do what you can to help these three children. Share this story with everyone you know. Click on the following link to DONATE NOW:

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