Sure, it's always a struggle to make sense of a country where people dunk into iced over lakes and have 18 children to witness to their faith
We always find how Western media deals with the Christian revival in Russia fascinating – and, frankly, too often infuriating.
It's no surprise that reporters struggle to make sense of a country which, in direct opposition to the rest of the modern world, insists that having strong families and traditional moral values is key for personal happiness and national success, a country where people dunk into iced-over lakes and have 18 children to witness to their faith.
However, this news segment from Australian national broadcaster (SBS) isn’t as blatantly antagonistic as is typical. It provides a more nuanced perspective, refraining from overtly presenting Russia and Christianity as evil forces that aim to destroy the sacred liberal values of equality, feminism and tolerance.
They also manage to present some fascinating material and raise controversial topics.
Whether correctly or incorrectly, you decide