Drafting American Women into the Military - US District Court Says Yes

In the near future, American women will be required to register for the draft. Women will be required to fight and die in combat roles. This is a manifestation of the collective moral cowardice of American men, and it’s to their collective shame that such a thing will happen.

Moral cowardice of men isn’t the only cause. The other cause is feminism . . . 

A U.S. federal court judge has ruled that the current all-male draft is unconstitutional. The ruling was issued by U.S. District Judge Gray Miller, a federal district judge in Texas.

The last challenge to the all-male draft rules occurred in 1981. The Supreme Court then upheld the constitutionality of the male-only draft on the basis that many military roles were open only to men. However, in 2015, the Obama administration opened all U.S. military roles to women—include combat roles—roles from which they had previously been barred. This change gave the impetus for the new suit which claimed the all-male draft violated the constitutional guarantee of equal protection under the law. The court agreed.

Shortly after the Obama administration opened combat roles to women, Congress established the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service. The purpose of the commission is to make public policy recommendations on national service requirements, of which there are currently none, except the requirement for men to register with the Selective Service, also known as the draft. The 11-member commission’s final report is due in March 2020, and it’s widely expected to recommend requiring women to register for the selective service.

The suit was filed by the ironically named "National Coalition for Men", on behalf of two men, James Lesmeister of Texas and Anthony Davis of California.

One way or another this will become the law of the land in the United States. If it can’t be forced through Congress, it will be forced through the Supreme Court, which is the same way abortion and same-sex "marriage", among other things, have been forced on the American people.

Let’s be frank about what is happening. In the near future, American women will be required to register for the draft. Women will be required to fight and die in combat roles. This is a manifestation of the collective moral cowardice of American men, and it’s to their collective shame that such a thing will happen.

It becomes even more egregious when considering that every recent American war is the result of American adventuring that has little more than economic gain and political clout as it’s objective. Maybe your daughter will be forced to do counter insurgency operations in a Middle Eastern country. I can guarantee you she won’t be defending the homeland. Perhaps she’ll be sent into another European meatgrinder.

Moral cowardice of men isn’t the only cause. The other cause is feminism. I don’t speak of radical, third wave intersectional feminism, but regular, run-of-the-mill first and second wave feminism. All feminism at its root turns the social order on its head. All feminism removes from women what is sacred, what is special, what is worthy of protecting.

Women cannot usurp men and yet remain feminine — not individually, and not collectively. Just as second wave feminism is the predictable result of first wave feminism, and third wave feminism is a predictable result of the second wave, so must modern women give up the very last vestiges of being feminine in order to achieve complete equality with men, as though such a thing were a kind of social holy grail. This necessarily precludes women’s inherent right to protection. Women in a feminist society, such as the U.S., have no right to be protected by men. The women must also fight, and they must fight with the men, fight for the men, and fight against the men of other, more righteous countries.

American women will get a very rude wake-up call at some point in the future. It won’t be when they’re required to register for a draft. That’s just filling out a piece of paper and mailing it in. The wake-up call will come when they find themselves face to face with a man on the battlefield. And by then it will be too late for those women.

This news is distressing to many people in America, and especially to the unfortunate young women who will eventually be forced to pay for America’s political profligacy with their lives. I feel sorry for you. You might wonder why this is happening. An appropriate answer can be found in an Alexander Solzhenitsyn quote: “Men have forgotten God. That is why all this has happened.”

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