A few of the most famous Russian Christian artists:
19th C: Repin Ivanov Polenov Kramskoy Nesterov Semiradsky
Contemporary: Ryzhenko Glazunov Morgun Afonina
Our top 10 favorites: A purely subjective list of paintings and artists we love.
To see all of the over 100 paintings in this series, click here.
About this series: As we learned about Russia's traditional faith, Russian Orthodox Christianity, we discovered an enormous, mostly forgotten treasure of striking Christian paintings, mostly unknown in the West, starting from approximately the early 1800s, and continuing to this day.
So far we have cataloged over 150 images, and are discovering more all the time. We will gradually be getting them all online. If you know of a painter or sculptor which we can add to the series, please let us know in the form below. You can see the entire list of what we already have online here.
The painting 'Sts Anthony and Theodosius, founders of Kiev Lavra' was written in 1995. The size of the picture - 28" x 28"
Link to high resolution image.
Afonina found her own way of comprehending the world and man in this world - a beautiful portrait. The Moscow artist works in the genre of modern realism, in all her works remains true to the classical painting school.
Art for an artist is a way to approach the incomprehensible mystery of being. She believes that God created everything that exists on earth, and man is his most perfect creation. Therefore, it was the portrait from the first years of creativity that became the main genre of painting in which the artist creates.
In search of beauty, the artist also addresses the images of people who have long gone from us, the righteous of past centuries, holy elders, historical figures
The artist Saida Afonina was born in 1965 in Syzran, a small town in the Samara region located on the Volga.
At the age of 20 she graduated from the Syzran art school. The following, in 1986, entered the Penza Art College named. K.A. Savitsky, which she graduated in 1989.
In 1996, Saida Afonina became a member of the UNESCO International Federation of Artists. In 2000 she received the academic title of associate professor of painting.
About the Great Russian Christian Art series:
Russia has a wonderfully rich heritage of Christian and Bible-themed painting which reached its zenith in the second half of the 19th century, as part of the realist school. Many of the canvases are enormous, filling an entire wall of a large public hall. Some of them took decades to complete. They are a striking and beautiful testimony to how deeply ingrained Christianity is in Russian history, culture, philosophy, thought, indeed, in her very soul. They are a delight to behold.
As Russia emerges as a leader in the return to traditionalism, this style of painting is again in vogue, and there are also several contemporary Christian painters creating extraordinary canvases. Indeed, Moscow has an excellent art academy dedicated to this style, a topic we covered in the profile of Ilya Glazunov, a leading, recently deceased painter in this genre. See: A Conservative Russian Lion With Real Mass Influence – The Painter Ilya Glazunov
Many of these paintings and artists are hardly known in the West, dismissed by the secular, atheist, globalist modern 'art' vogue. We are delighted to bring you this series, which consists of several dozens of works. You can see all of the works in this series by clicking here.
We think you’ll enjoy them as much as we do.
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