Folks keep whining about the “riot” at the Capitol. (Even though it was “mostly peaceful”, come to think of it.) Yet this summer, when BLM and assorted SJWs went ape and burned down houses and businesses, and when they actually took innocent lives, there was not a peep from anybody in the Establishment.
So, yes, Ashli Babbitt. Say her name. And while you’re at it, condemn each and every instance of murder, mayhem, and mob action that took place last year, in every instance in which they took place, in every city.
Until then my liberal friends, please shut your pie-hole . . .
Ashli Babbitt: Say Her Name. — The Corporate Media won’t. Except to somehow blame the MAGA crowd for her death. Even though it was a cop who shot and killed her.
An unarmed woman. An unarmed white woman. A 14-year veteran of the Air Force. With four – count ’em – four tours of duty in Iraq. The neocons’ favorite “war for peace”, or “on terrorism”. The ones Joe Biden voted for.
Several of my acquaintances on Fakebook are having a case of the vapors about the “riot” at the Capitol. (Even though it was “mostly peaceful”, come to think of it.) Strange, but they were deadly silent when antifa tried to burn down a Federal courthouse in Portland. As they were when the “mostly peaceful” BLMers burned down the 3rd police precinct in Milwaukee. And when malefactors started a dumpster fire and tried to wheel it to a nearby gas station in Kenosha. (Thank you Kyle Rittenhouse for doing the heroic thing and stopping them from causing even more fatalities. Yes: you are a hero and deserve a medal.)
And now Creepy Joe and Kommiela Whorris want to make this about race. Yeah, right.
Folks, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that there’s something amiss about the whole Capitol Hill fracas. All you have to do is look at the photos and videos (which the lovely Mrs Monomakhos had the presence of mind to save). Capitol Hill cops taking selfies with rioters? Seriously?
But that’s a story for another day. For now, I want to talk about the late Ashli Babbitt and the complete hypocrisy of the Left and the cuckservatives, as they clutch their pearls.
Where was all this outrage during the Summer of Floyd?
But I repeat myself.
Is Archbishop Elpidophoros Lambrianides going to march with the MAGA crowd in mourning? Is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese going to add a special drop-down button on their website for Babbitt like they did for George Floyd? (
Can we at least expect an encyclical condemning her death?
Not holding my breath.
What’s that you say? She was a trespasser? Well, slap my wrist and call me Sally! George Floyd was a long-time felon who was apprehended during the actual commission of a crime. (Passing a counterfeit bill: it’s a Federal crime, you can look it up yourself.)
As was Rayshaud Brooks when he was apprehended in Atlanta, passed out drunk in the drive-thru lane of a Wendy’s. (That’s against the law too.)
Then there was that charmer, Jacob Blake, in Kenosha, who had the eminent good sense of grabbing a knife and charging the cops. Why, you ask? Because he was being served a warrant due to an earlier sexual assault. (Yep, thems there’s crimes as well, folks.)
Yet when BLM and assorted SJWs went ape and burned down houses and businesses, and when they actually took innocent lives. . . not a peep from anybody in the Establishment.
We were told that we “needed to have a national conversation” about all this. You know, grievances and all. Police brutality. You get the drift.
So, yes, Ashli Babbitt. Say her name. And while you’re at it, condemn each and every instance of murder, mayhem, and mob action that took place last year, in every instance in which they took place, in every city.
Until then my liberal friends, please shut your pie-hole.
And just to add a little bit more fuel to the rhetorical fire, here’s good old Nancy Antoinette, inciting violence two years ago, almost to the day:
Apologies accepted.
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