Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! [Matthew 18:7]
The plague of Ecumenism is a well-known reality among the orthodox from the past decades. Everybody knows what ecumenism means, and which are the rots of this dangerous philosophy that is spreading among all the levels of the Church. Saint Justin Popovic of blessed memory called ecumenism a "pan-heresy" and the "most dangerous heresy, the mother of all heresies". In fact, ecumenism denies that heresy can exist, thus becoming the mother of all demonic teachings and deceptions. Unfortunately, ecumenism isn't only a deviant philosophy or a theological error, but it's also a well-planned agenda against against the Truth, our Lord and his Church.
The UN secretary in 1948 hoped for a "New Spring of all religions", a false unity that is tragically becoming reality. Not only among Christians, but ecumenism is now working a union with literally every religion: Judaism, Islam, Hinduism... everybody must join the party. They're teaching now that each religion is a cultural and historical expression, and that differences don't impact Salvation. Every religion is just expressing a "way" towards God. The next step is clear; it is called "indifferentism". No religion really matters.
A recent "marian apparition" of Medjugorje is clear: "all the people and all faiths must be united with the Pope, the father of all, not only for catholics." According to this demon, the Pope is the solution for the union with God. Not the Truth, not the teachings of the followers of the Lord, but a man! These weak spirits say that the (false) peace can be reached through a man, a fallen person, and not through Christ and his Church. If you recognize the Pope as the center of the unity of all religion, we will be free from divisions and we'll find peace. A false, demonic and human-oriented peace. This is a real deception. If we follow this call, we'll not find the spiritual peace, the real theosis, but we'll find only an empty worldly expression of nihilism.
Why am I speaking with such heavy tones? Because I am shocked by the foolish act of bishop Polycarp of Venice (Ecumenical Patriarchate), who met Pope Francis last Saturday, calling him "my spiritual father". You can clearly hear him directly from the news agency and TV:
He said:
"The summit with Pope Francis has been a good encounter. This has been a meeting between a son and his beloved father, a gathering between a bishop and his primate, or patriarch. The Holy Father has a sensitive heart, a generous heart. I thanked him for the encouraging message he sent to me for my enthroning. I asked him his papal blessing for my service. In Italy as bishop, I assured my fervent prayers (for the Pope). May God bless him with many years of spiritual strength and good health, for the sake of the Universal Church and for every man of good will, for those whom are loved by the Holy Father (the Pope)."
Since when is a schismatic heresiarch a father for an orthodox Bishop? These sentences have shocked many orthodox Italian converts, and these words cannot be defended under the pretext of "diplomacy". Since when do the orthodox need a papal blessing for their pastoral service? Since when does a heretic (such as the the Pope of Rome) preserve and work for the good standing of the "Universal Church"?
Somebody once said that Polycarp is playing as an uniate bishop, and perhaps such bad jokes aren't far from the truth. Another person said that these words aren't his own work, but the Phanar's agenda expressed by one of Bartholomew's bishops. Indeed, bishop Job of Telmessos said that the unity between Phanar and Vatican will be a reality in 2025, for Nicea's anniversary.
In the name of the globalist and anti-christian agenda, Francis and Bartholomew will consummate the false union, attacking the Orthodox Faith. We are not afraid to say that they have already started to attack the Church through the "sanitary crisis" and the "pandemic", with ridiculous impositions that destroy the piety of God's flock, including masks and ritual abominations, such as multiple spoons and denial of holy Eucharist.
Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! [Matthew 18:7]
The Church is the Bishop and those with him, standing within the true faith (St. Cyprian of Carthage, Letter 59, 19)
Ὅλοις τοῖς αἱρετικοῖς, ἀνάθεμα / For all the heretics, anathema.
(from the Synodikon read during the first Sunday of Lent)
Source: traditiomarciana.blogspot.com (Italian)
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