Editor's Note: This story's disturbing events are not taken from the imagination of the author. Rather, they are taken directly from news headlines around the world. For those who have neither the time nor the stomach to read the story in its entirety, a list of source articles is provided at the end, demonstrating that these events are science fact, not science fiction.
In this fictional story, two women are working in a medical research laboratory, having a very open dialogue about the work they do behind closed doors. Modern medicine harbors some very ugly truths, throwing into question the virtue of many doctors and nurses who are often assumed to be above reproach. This story is intended to bring these ugly truths out into the open.
“This research has such tremendous value in driving discoveries that could be done no other way”
— Alan Rudolph, Vice President of Research, Colorado State University
- Satanism is Boring
- Not Who I Am
- Healing Friends First
- Not All Saints
- Every Shelf, Every Store
- The Blood Countess
- Nothing Changes
- Source Articles
- You Have to Kill People if You Want to Heal People - Testimony from the Scientific and Medical Community
- Of Course, There Are Good Doctors Too . . .
Satanism is Boring
"Satanism is boring," Kelly whined, gingerly opening a small container, avoiding direct contact with the dry ice inside.
"How so?" Persephone asked. "I thought that’s why you moved here."
"It is," she said, slipping on surgical gloves and pulling out a pair of test tubes. "You know, Persy . . . where I’m from, you can follow any religion, and believe whatever you want, but the rituals get you in trouble with the law."
Persy shrugged, preparing the centrifuge. "I don't see what you're complaining about. You have a good job, you can practice your religion, and you get to participate in the rituals here . . ."
"Sure. Technically. But only at a distance. And it's all just so, so, well . . . boring."
"What did you expect? Upside-down pentagrams and children sacrificed with sacred daggers on stone tables at midnight?" Persy chuckled. "That's cheap comic-book stuff for teenagers. Amateur."
Kelly sighed. "I know. Or I guess I don't know. I just . . . I just didn't expect it to be like this."
"Like what?"
"Like this," Kelly muttered, pulling a small piece of human liver out of the first test tube, handing it to Persy. "This meat was torn out of some little girl. They had their fun, then they shipped it to us in a box. Now we do our part. Then we send it on down the line."
"So what’s the problem? You want a front-row seat?" Persy grinned, carefully grinding the liver, transferring the red pulp into the centrifuge. "Our job ain’t bloody enough for you?"
"It’s not about the blood. It’s about the thrill. The rush. They cut this out of the kid while she was still alive — ripped her open and took this out while it was still warm. Can you imagine the look on her little face? She was abandoned and terrified and writhing, and I didn’t even get to see it."
"True enough," said Persy, switching on the centrifuge. "By the time it gets to us, it’s cold as lunchmeat. Not as exciting."
"Exactly," Kelly complained. "We extract stem cells and send them off for medical experiments. Big deal. Not what I had in mind when I first began worshiping the Master."
"Look, you gotta get the big picture. You’re not seeing the magnitude of what we’re doing. Sure, they killed a kid, but so what? People die all the time. That’s not even the most exciting part of what we do."
Kelly squinted. "We spend ten hours a day in a tiny white room than smells like Pine-Sol, wearing lab coats, grinding livers and spinning them in a centrifuge so we can send off bloody bits to be injected into mice for medical experiments, and this is what you call exciting? This is your idea of living the good life?"
::sigh:: "My dear Kali, you have yet to learn the corrupting power of respectability. Lab coats conceal our purpose . . . sort of like those gloves conceal your goth manicure. No one trusts a witch. Everyone trusts a nurse."
Not Who I Am
"Playing helper and healer just feels so goody-two-shoes. It’s not who I am," Kelly said, removing a liver sample from the second test tube. "I don’t WANT to be trusted. I want to be feared."
"There’s a time and a place for that. It feels good having people tremble at your feet. But it’s dangerous."
"How so?"
"Hand me the second piece," Percy ordered. "People have their limits. If they hate and fear you, then they eventually attack and turn on you. Then it’s game over. So it’s better if they don’t see you as an enemy."
"I suppose," Kelly murmured, turning the sample over to Percy. "The last thing I need is a bunch of religious wackos chasing me through town with pitchforks."
"And that’s just what you would have, Kali, if any of them knew what you were doing." Percy carefully began grinding. "If you told them, ’I can cure all your diseases, by sacrificing the blood of innocent children,’ they would curse your name, throw you out of town, and you’d be lucky to live until the next day."
"But the way we do things, they thank us for our hard work, and they keep coming back for more . . ."
"But you see, that’s also part of the problem."
"Yes. It’s a problem. I mean, if we were only pretending to help people, that would be one thing. But this research leads to all sorts of medications which actually heal people, and save people’s lives. And isn’t that, like, the opposite of what we are trying to accomplish?"
"Ah, I see. Our Enemy once said, ’A house divided against itself cannot stand.’ Now you are making the same argument . . . "
"No! I’m not saying I agree with our Enemy on anything! And I’m not questioning the wisdom of our Master. All I’m saying is that I don’t understand — yet — what is going on here, or how all of this works. I mean, if the goal is sickness and death, then why are we saving lives?"
"Saving whose lives? I thought you said the only thing we do here is grind up livers..."
Healing Friends First
::sigh:: "You’ve been to the same meetings as me. They’re always making a big deal about the ’successes’ of our medical research."
"Yes, I know. HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C . . . that’s where most of our research goes. We made lots of progress with those."
"And it doesn’t bother you?"
"Why should it?" Persephone laughed. "Have you thought about what most people are doing when they catch those diseases? You don’t get AIDS by going to church on Sunday . . ."
"And your point is . . ."
"My point is that if we’re going to help anybody, I want it to be people who are on our side, people who are already serving our Master. — Also, I’m sick and tired of prudish Christians threatening us with the ’judgment of God’ every time two people want to make love. If we can do enough medical research to render AIDS and hepatitis as harmless as the common cold, then we will go a long way towards refuting that kind of nonsense."
"Well, I guess it makes sense. A little. But it’s not the only research we do."
"It’s huge. Over a period of just a few years, we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars. If you add up all our fetal tissue studies on AIDS and infectious diseases like hepatitis C, that’s where about half of our research money goes."
"Ok, so I don’t have a problem with it helping our gay friends and libertines. The more we can do to make love safe, the better. — But I still don’t see the point of researching other diseases."
"Using the fetal cells we harvest every day in this laboratory, we study in utero diseases, and we also do a lot of work studying developmental biology. These two forms of research make up about 25% of our annual funding. Just think of it: Our research is supposed to help us better understand and heal little babies. And to accomplish that, we are getting paid millions of dollars to slice up thousands of little babies for our research. You have to admit, it’s kind of poetic . . ."
"I never thought of it that way before!"
"And everything else?"
"We study lots of things. Eye development, diabetes, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, influenza, dengue fever, spinal cord injury, stroke, retinal disease, macular degeneration. Even though most of the research dollars are spent on diseases I find more interesting, we use these fetal cells to study pretty much everything."
"Why?" Kelly wondered.
"Lots of reasons. Remember what I said about respectability. It’s ok to feed the fish a little bait, as long as there’s a hook hidden inside. If we want to keep doing what we’re doing, we need to keep up appearances."
Not All Saints
"I suppose you're right. It’s not like all the medical researchers are in it for the same reasons we are. Some of them got into this business because they think they are actually helping people."
"And some of them work here because it pays good money and helps them get laid," Persy chimed in. "Take Doctor Wallace, for instance . . ."
"Don’t EVEN bring him up! You know that didn’t go well."
"I’m just saying, nobody thinks he actually cares about people. The only things he ever talks about are himself, his cars, his money, and all the things he gets away with doing to his patients when they’re under general anaesthesia . . ."
"I said don’t talk about him." Kelly grumbled.
"Fine. Just don’t act like our coworkers are saints. A lot of them are anything but. Even if most of them aren’t aware of what you and I do, they still aren’t angels. They’re here for their own reasons, and they get what they want out of it."
"Well, some of them aren’t like that. Some of them are all goody-goody, working directly against our purposes."
"True enough. You can’t win ’em all."
"Speak of the devil . . . " Kelly glanced at the door.
Persy conjured a smile. "Hi Tina! Good to see you. How was traffic?"
"Not bad, actually. How are y’all doing?"
"Fine." Both women answered in union.
"That good, eh?" Tina smirked. "Doing your duty for science?"
"You know it," said Kelly.
"Well, here’s another delivery for you. Lungs and brains. Fresh. Third trimester. The boss said it’s priority one. As you know, funding was approved for the new project, and the team working with Dr. Williams needs their first samples this afternoon."
"We’ll take care of it," Percy nodded. "Just leave it right there."
"Ok," said Tina, shutting the door. "See you guys later."
"Bye," they both said.
"I can’t stand her." Kelly whined, rolling her eyes. "Every time I see her, she’s either saying something about ’saving lives’, or else she goes on and on about ’doing her part for science’. She really thinks she’s here to save the world."
"Meh. I don’t care about motives," Percy said. "The important thing is that her job depends on human sacrifice. The day they stop sending us fresh meat, is the day that every doctor and nurse in this building has to pack their bags, go home, and update their resumes. All of them are serving our Master, whether they believe in him or not."
"Lamashtu is with us now, and has been known by many names."
"Indeed. And it’s not just limited to the medical professionals who work in this building, grinding parts, slicing tissue, preparing samples, and doing research. Our reach extends much further into society," Percy observed, beginning to prepare a sample of lung tissue. "A whole section of the modern world depends on us — from publishers to grocery stores, from vaccines to cosmetics. Numerous corporations, with thousands of employees and millions of customers, are literally making billions of dollars off our work."
Every Shelf, Every Store
"Publishing?" Kelly asked. "And food?"
"Yep. Top-of-the-line scientific and medical research journals. The best in the industry. Hundreds of studies and thousands of articles in the most respected journals. It helps give us the credibility we need to keep doing what we’re doing. As for the food, it's not cannibalism just yet. For now, products on the shelves don’t have babies in the ingredients. But major companies — such as Nestle — are already using aborted fetal cells to test various chemicals so they can develop new flavors to use in their products. You should try their refrigerated coffee creamers, bouillon cubes, instant soups and noodles, ketchups, and various sauces. Just remember . . . Nestle . . ."
"I will!", Kelly squealed.
"Hand me a scalpel," Persy head-nodded towards a cabinet. "So, our work has a real impact on the world. Bigger than most people can imagine."
"Here you go." Kelly handed her a scalpel. "Yeah, I guess we are making our mark on grocery stores, and even on the publishing world. But I’m a little disappointed with the vaccines. It’s like, I know there’s a bit of a connection there, but it’s weak."
"Yeah, I mean, I know there were one or two abortions like fifty years ago, and there are a couple of old fetal cell lines hanging on that they used to develop some of the vaccines, as well as some other medications out there, but . . . "
"Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s the line we tell Christians so they’ll shut up and leave us alone. It took hundreds of abortions to start some of those cell lines. And there aren’t just two or three fetal cell lines currently being used for medical experiments — there are over a thousand . . ."
"Wha . . ."
"Yep . . . Now pick your jaw up off the floor, retard . . ."
"Ok. Wow. Just wow. I knew that we were doing some work in that area but I had no idea . . . but wait . . . I have seen some of the fliers the crazy pro-lifers hand out when they’re on the warpath, and the materials I saw didn’t mention any of that. When they are protesting against vaccines and other medications using fetal cells, why in Samhain wouldn’t they bring this stuff up?"
"Some of them do," Persy replied, carefully slicing bits of brain for the test samples. "But you’re right, most of them don’t mention it."
"But why?"
"Most of them don’t know. They bought into the spiel about there just being one or two abortions a long, long time ago, and so they focus on that. They don’t even give us credit for our most interesting work." Percy prepared another slice of infant brain. "Then they shoot themselves in the foot with all their misinformation, claiming that vaccines actually contain fetal cells, or nano-robots, or DNA from Bill Gates, or whatever. They make themselves look so stupid with such claims, that nobody pays any attention to them when they happen to stumble over something that’s accurate."
"Vaccines don’t contain fetal cells?"
"No. We frequently use cells from murdered children in the process of developing, producing, or testing various vaccines and other medicines, but we don’t include any of those cells in the final products." Persy sneered. "Believe it or not, some of the Christians actually relax and leave us alone once they find that out."
"Seriously? So . . . sacrificing an infant and pouring out his blood in a satanic ritual, is shocking and evil if any of the blood ends up in your medicine. But if we just smear baby blood all over the location where the drugs are being produced, and we are careful to keep the blood out of the medication itself, then they are totally fine with that . . . "
"Apparently so." Persy shrugged, completing preparations of another test sample. "And frankly, it helps that some of the cell lines are from over forty years ago," said Percy. "Most of the pro-life wackos only care about babies that are killed today. They don’t care about the ones who were killed yesterday."
"Time heals all wounds? Absence makes the heart grow fonder?"
"Ha. I suppose so."
"I just hope the right-wing fascists don't get wind of how deep the program has gone. If they ever wake up to the fact that it's not just a couple of old cell lines being used to make a few vaccines, and realize they have been paying us millions to slice-and-dice kids just so they can get their favorite foods and makeup and medicines, they'll go ballistic. It won't be safe for us anymore."
"Ya know, it's funny . . . I used to think that too," Percy admitted. "But recently, I came to see it's just the opposite."
"How so?"
"Here's the thing. People like their routines. They want their favorite meds. They might turn down a new med if they know that we chopped up kids in the process of making it. But once they get attached to a medication they like, you couldn't pry it from their fingers if you tortured a baby right in front of them."
"Hmmm. If that's true, then they're not so different from you and me. Our spiritual influence on the world must be making more progress than I thought."
"Indeed it is."
"I don't know, though. I mean, are you saying that the average person on the street is like that? Just your everyday people? Assuming that about everybody just seems . . . it just seems like it might be a little extreme."
"It IS extreme. But it's also the truth. I kid you not: I recently overheard a podcast where these idiots were yakking about fetal cells and vaccines. The one guy seemed repulsed by the whole idea, until some Christian doctor set him at ease. He basically said, 'It's not just this one vaccine. There are all these other medicines and foods and products that use fetal cells in similar ways. So if you want to avoid this vaccine, then you need to avoid all these other products as well.' Of course, that guy didn't want to give up anything, so he caved."
"So, basically, if we sacrifice a child to make only one product, then it's evil and has to be stopped. But if we chop up kids to make a thousand products, then it's all OK and we just need to live with it . . ."
"Pretty much." Persy shook her head. "Hypocrites."
The Blood Countess
"So . . . cosmetics?" Kelly continued. "Are you saying they use cells from aborted babies to test women’s makeup?"
"Oh no. Not just testing." Percy glanced at Kelly with raised eyebrows. "In this case, I’m talking about actual ingredients. There are some high-end lines of anti-aging skin creme that contain dead baby cells."
"That’s incredible!" Kelly exclaimed. "I’ll have to try some. Then I can be like dear ole ’Liz Báthory."
"The Blood Countess?" Persy chuckled. "I always admired her."
"Me too. To keep your skin looking nice and young, just imagine killing little girls and bathing in their blood. Such luxury! Apparently it has quite the effect on one’s complexion."
"No doubt. But she got to do the killing herself. You’ll have to settle for using cells from a baby that’s already dead, hidden in a $130 jar of Neocutis skin cream. A bit less glamorous." Percy winked at Kelly.
"Ah, so you do see things my way," Kelly responded. "I appreciate our work. I really do. I like it that we get to mess around with bits and pieces of children that were tortured and dismembered. And I like it that through our medical work, we corrupt the ignorant masses, covering the hands of millions with the blood of the innocent. But be that as it may, I am not content just to play a part in it. I’m tired of being a middleman. — I want to go where the action is, to the heart of the medical research industry." Kelly looked at the ceiling, daydreaming. "I want to see little kids in excruciating pain, and then tear them apart with my own hands, while they’re still alive. I want to use one of these nice respectable medical scalpels to cut out their little hearts while they’re still beating. Then I want to be paid well for my hard work, and I want people to thank me for my dedication to medical progress."
"Have you thought about working at a University?"
"That depends. Do they get to do any of the fun stuff?"
"Oh, absolutely. Dozens of educational institutions are doing it, all across the country, and all over the world. You should hear all the stories of when I worked at the University of Pittsburgh."
"Yeah, that Pittsburgh. A few years back I was working there, helping with medical research. We got to scalp 5-month-old aborted babies. It was amazing."
"Playing cowboys and indians?"
"Ha! No. After we cut everything off the babies, we stitched their little scalps onto the backs of lab rats. We carefully cut tissue from the heads and backs of the babies, scraping off the excess fat under the baby skin before stitching it onto the rats. We were very thorough. During the experiments, we even got to take photos of the babies' hair growing out of the scalps on the rats. It was a hoot!"
"I could get into that."
"Want to put in your application? I could make a couple phone calls."
"Maybe. I don’t know if I want to move that far, though. Do you think any of the universities close to here are doing similar work?"
"Almost certainly. Dozens of universities, maybe even hundreds, are doing similar research all over the world. Everyone wants to get famous and make it rich, developing the next wonder-cure for every disease under the sun. Before you know it, we will make our mark on nearly every shelf of almost every pharmacy in the world."
Nothing Changes
"And that’s the part that still bothers me." Kelly shuddered. "Medicines are discovered because of our work. I want people dead — I don’t want them healed."
"Kali, Kali," Percy crooned. "Don’t you realize it has always been this way? Don’t you see that nothing ever changes? Our work has been like this for ages, almost since the beginning of time."
"How can you say that, Persy? This is cutting-edge medical technology. I don’t know what they were doing in the middle ages, but I’d bet my paycheck they weren’t using fetal cell lines to create medical treatments for diabetes and Alzheimers . . ."
"Of course not, Kali," Persephone smirked. "Obviously, our outward appearances have kept up with the times. Always got to fit in. But under the surface, just beneath the veneer . . . nothing has changed. Just like in the old days, they pay us to sacrifice the blood of the innocent, so that they can enjoy good health and prosperity."
"Ahh . . . so that's it . . ."
"Yep. The average person doesn’t want to see the sacrificial blood of an innocent child, poured out in obedience to our Master. They never did. Most people claim they would fight against such things."
"Indeed . . . but when it’s their crops failing, or their child growing ill, or their mother dying of some unknown disease . . ."
"You nailed it. The moment people are in trouble, their principles go right out the window. They want comfort, and they don’t care where it comes from. For thousands of years, dark priests poured out the blood of infants in powerful rituals, calling on the gods to grant their favor. In terror, innocent children were tortured without mercy and brought to a bloody end. In villages around the world, countless numbers of people tolerated these rituals, in hopes that they would receive favorable weather, bigger crops, and better health."
"Ok, I can see it now. Men and women, fathers and mothers, just regular, everyday people . . . they all turn their heads and let us do our work, in hopes that it will give them a more comfortable life. — So you were right. Nothing changes."
"It has always been this way. It will always be this way."
Source Articles
This story is based on true events. Every gory event depicted here is science fact, not science fiction:
- Medical lab technicians grind up livers from babies, extract the stem cells, and inject them into mice:
Scientific American: The Truth about Fetal Tissue Research
- A large portion of abortion tissue research is directed towards studying AIDS and infectious diseases like hepatitis B and hepatitis C:
Scientific American: The Truth about Fetal Tissue Research — Informational GraphOf course, there is nothing wrong with using ethical means to help people who are sick with AIDS and hepatitis. A good Christian doctor would try to help them, regardless of how they got sick. Nevertheless, devilish people (like those depicted in the story) might be expected to have a nefarious agenda regarding who they want to focus on helping. It is important to remember that the story is written about those who have wicked motives, and is not a description of how Christians ought to behave.
- Organs are regularly cut out of babies while they are still alive:
Stunning Article Exposes Hellish Reality of Live Organ Harvesting in Fetuses for Medical Research
- University researchers harvest organs from full-term infants:
University Admits Using Full-Term Infants For Fetal Tissue Collection
- Numerous commercial products, from food to vaccines to cosmetics, are made with aborted fetal cells:
Products Using Aborted Fetal Cells
- On an actual podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, a Christian doctor discussed fetal cell tissue research, suggesting that it's no big deal to take a vaccine tested with fetal cells, because numerous foods and medicines have already been tested with fetal cells:
- Most Medicines Tested with Aborted Children - Christians Must Fight This Injustice
- Does Ancient Faith Radio Have a Vaccine Conflict of Interest? (Mr. Mark Yniguez, a trustee of Ancient Faith Radio, was a former 19-year employee of Pfizer — a corporation that manufactures and sells vaccines.)
- Not all fetal cell testing is equivalent:
Stop Pretending the COVID Jab is Morally Equivalent to Other Meds1) Some drugs are created ethically and are brought to market without any use of fetal cells, and without any intention of using such cells in the future. Decades later, if some third party tests that drug using fetal cells, that is a wicked deed, but it does not retroactively make the drug itself unethical. Aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and albuterol, for example, were not brought to market with any use of fetal cells.
2) Some drugs are created unethically, intentionally using fetal cells in part of the process to bring the drug to market. The Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine (America) and the Sputnik COVID vaccine (Russia) both used aborted fetal cells for all three phases: development, production, and testing.
Now consider the Pfizer COVID vaccine (America). They did not use fetal cells for the development or production of the vaccine. But as part of the process to bring the drug to market, they paid to test the Pfizer vaccine with HEK-293 fetal cells. And when the test results were published, multiple Pfizer employees were listed as co-authors of the published study. The Pfizer corporation was not an innocent bystander, but was rather a direct participant in bringing this vaccine to market through the use of aborted fetal tissue.
— To quote from the above article:
"Is it right for these researchers to employ Johanna’s cells? Of course not. But it is also not right ... to imply (or state) that a drug like aspirin is morally equivalent to Moderna’s COVID injection. The former was brought to market as a pain treatment without the use of stem cells from an aborted baby, and with no intention for such cells to be used in the future. The latter was brought to market using Johanna."
- Popular anti-aging skin cream contains aborted baby tissue:
Rehumanize International: Fetal Cells in Cosmetics, Food, and Medical Industries
- The Blood Countess was a real woman. She murdered girls and bathed in their blood, thinking it would make her skin look younger:
Elizabeth Bathory, the Blood Countess
- Hearts were still beating when they were cut out of babies, without anesthesia:
White Paper on Abortion and the Human Fetal Cell Industry
- University researchers scalped 5-month old aborted babies and stitched them onto the backs of lab rats:
- Newsweek: University of Pittsburgh Won't Explain its Planned Parenthood Ties
- Nature: Development of humanized mouse and rat models with full-thickness human skin and autologous immune cells
- Numerous major universities are performing fetal cell research:
Fetal Tissue Research: A Weapon and a Casualty in the War Against Abortion
- There are not just two or three lines of fetal stem cells used by medical researchers. There are more than a thousand:
Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines and Their Use in International Research
- Thousands of published scientific papers document fetal stem cell use:
Recent Trends in Research with Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
You Have to Kill People if You Want to Heal People — Testimony from the Scientific and Medical Community
“Our position is this research has such tremendous value in driving discoveries that could be done no other way”
— Alan Rudolph, Vice President of Research, Colorado State UniversitySource: Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments (PBS)
"There are no alternatives to human fetal tissue... that have shown to be as powerful in conducting these important studies..."
— State Attorneys General (March 26, 2020)Source: A Voice for Truth
"Fetal tissue research has been vital for scientific and medical advances that have saved millions of lives. The development of vaccines against polio, rubella, measles, chickenpox, adenovirus, rabies, and treatments for debilitating diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, and hemophilia all involved fetal tissue. It is currently being used to develop and test vaccines for potential treatment of influenza, dengue fever, HIV/AIDS, and hepatitis B and C. It is vital for research in other areas as well. Ongoing research using cells derived from fetal tissue includes work on neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury, stroke, retinal disease, and age-related macular degeneration."
— Hans Clevers, M.D., professor of molecular genetics at Utrecht University, research director at the Princess Maxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, and president of the International Society for Stem Cell Research
Source: Fetal tissue research is essential for scientific discovery and improving human health (Stat News)
Of Course, There Are Good Doctors Too . . .
It would be a great mistake to imagine that all doctors and nurses are as devilish as the lab technicians in the story above. Though there are some who self-consciously oppose Christ, this is not the case for everyone. In the Old Testament, Holy Scripture itself talks about good doctors and medicines which are blessings from the Lord. One of the best examples can be found in the first fifteen verses of Sirach 38:
Sirach 38
1 Honor physicians for their services, for the Lord created them;
2 for their gift of healing comes from the Most High, and they are rewarded by the king.
3 The skill of physicians makes them distinguished, and in the presence of the great they are admired.
4 The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them.
5 Was not water made sweet with a tree in order that its power might be known?
6 And he gave skill to human beings that he might be glorified in his marvelous works.
7 By them the physician heals and takes away pain;
8 the pharmacist makes a mixture from them. God’s works will never be finished; and from him health spreads over all the earth.
9 My child, when you are ill, do not delay, but pray to the Lord, and he will heal you.
10 Give up your faults and direct your hands rightly, and cleanse your heart from all sin.
11 Offer a sweet-smelling sacrifice, and a memorial portion of choice flour, and pour oil on your offering, as much as you can afford.
12 Then give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; do not let him leave you, for you need him.
13 There may come a time when recovery lies in the hands of physicians,
14 for they too pray to the Lord that he grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving life.
15 He who sins against his Maker, will be defiant toward the physician.
Unfortunately, this sort of blessed doctor has become the exception, rather than the rule. Also in the minority are those medical professionals who are openly wicked, directly participating in the ritual murder of the innocent. Most doctors today are callously indifferent — attending universities that mutilate babies, reading scientific journals that report such "research", and prescribing numerous medications which are developed through these horrific means. They don't get their hands bloody — at least not directly — so for them it is "out of sight, out of mind".
Most people seeking medical help are equally indifferent. They just want a medicine that will help them feel better — they don't care where it comes from, and they don't care how it was made.
Just like the pagans of old, they are willing to turn a blind eye to the butchering of innocent children, as long as they can be comforted with better health, and a longer life.
Take action! Resist the assault from the rainbow mafia: