"One cannot be both with Christ and the US Department of State. The Patriarch of Alexandria has made his choice..."
Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye has provided an uncompromising statement regarding the Alexandrian Patriarch's illicit recognition of the schismatic group in Ukraine.
Translation provided by Fr. Zechariah Lynch.
Christ is in our midst, my dear readers.
The Alexandrian Judas. — That which transpired today within the Alexandrian Patriarchate is already part of the next act in the play which is being written behind the scenes by the composers of this world.
Paraphrasing Shakespeare, one may say, “The dollar has done its work.” Mammon has strangled the Alexandrian Patriarch; like in the case of Desdemona (translator's note: a character from the Shakespeare play “Othello”), it did not take much effort.

Today, when the Church celebrates the memory of the great-martyr Dimitry of Thessaloniki, in this time we remember that courage with which Christians confessed Christ. What torture, deprivation, and terrible sufferings they had to endure for the love of the Truth!
The ages have passed and horrible hierarchs have replaced the love of Truth with the love of gain. When I read about the “unprecedented” pressure of the USA on the thrones of Local Churches or the Igumens of Athonite Monasteries, I don't know what I should do – cry or laugh? What does this pressure consist of? They must have been tortured, had their flesh flayed, or been denied food and drink?
No, only a finger on which there was a golden ring was wagged at them. The fear of losing their profit – this is the reason for which some hierarchs are ready to betray the holiest things that they have.
They are ready to be separated from Christ only so that they will not be separated from their money bags, thrones, and ambitions. Today it turns out, this is like being tortured for the faith! These people, oldest in the canons of the Church, will tell about the martyrs, about their courageous feats and faith … It is possible that in hell Judas remembers Christ, only he does not become better for it.
The Alexandrian Patriarch reminds me of Judas. After all, you could say that just the other day he was with us in Odessa; he embraced and kissed our clergy, posed for cameras, and encouraged the whole Ukrainian flock to hold fast to His Beatitude, Met. Onuphry, and not to have fellowship with the schismatics (there are recordings of this).
Upon returning home, the Alexandrian Patriarch influenced by clowns, recognizes the schismatic clergy as the only ones.
Judas showed the same hypocrisy at the Mystical Supper.
I think that this change, of course, began neither today nor yesterday. For a while now the souls of these hierarchs were gradually being reforged from spirit-bearers into dollar-bearers. Now the time has come for this interior metamorphosis to be revealed externally. And glory to God!
Even if the whole world will be against us, we will all the same stand with Christ! There is no need to be confounded by the events that are taking place in the Orthodox world. We have long been warned of them.
The words of the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov regarding the state of the clergy in the last times come to my mind. To Batushka the future was opened, and he fervently prayed to God that He would pardon them. The Lord refused the Venerable Seraphim because of the extreme apostasy of these clergy. One cannot serve both God and mammon.
One cannot be both with Christ and the US Department of State. The Patriarch of Alexandria has made his choice.
Brothers and sisters, we must learn this last blessed commandment, which is not written in the Gospels but is recorded by the apostle John the Theologian in his book of Revelation, “Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord” (Rev. 14:13).
Apparently, in the last times such ones will not be many. Yet, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's goodwill to give you the kingdom” (Lk. 12:32). I want to remind you of the words of the Apostle Paul which are written to Timothy and to all of us, “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3).
My dear warriors for Christ! We will hold the line, the leader of which is our Lord Jesus Christ, the conqueror of death!
Metropolitan Luke of Zaporozhye
Nov. 8th
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